Once Human Controller Support, Paid DLC Sharing, And Server Limits Addressed By Studio

Developer Starry Studio has been busy responding to the community’s feedback around Once Human. Several new statements tackle questions such as support for controllers, how paid DLC sharing works across multiple characters, and the reasons behind the server player limit.

For starters, Starry Studio said that it will provide support for controllers in Once August on Early August, with seamless functionality in mind. If you’ve been wondering about key rebindings, the option is scheduled to roll out in mid-August.

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As for a paid DLC sharing–encompassing the battle pass as well as cosmetics, furniture, and weapon skins–the studio said it’s also working on its implementation. As it stands, the feature “has taken longer to implement than expected.” It’s now set to become available during the maintenance on the morning of August 1.

The developers recommend players to “refrain from making purchases for multiple characters” until the feature becomes available. It’s worth noting that the battle pass level will not be shared across all characters on a single account. Any cosmetic rewards from the paid tiers of the battle pass, however, can be used by multiple characters.

If you already purchased the in-game currency Crystgin on multiple characters, the amount will be accumulated. For multiple cosmetic items or battle passes, you’ll receive a Crystgin refund for the duplicates.

Lastly, the team is aware of waiting queues. The server player limit, according to Starry Studio, is due to the increase in the number of players exceeding previous expectations. “When too many players are on the same server, we risk losing server data,” the developer said, while acknowledging that it’s working on improving the limit on each server.

For now, expect a patch update on July 18 that will improve the queuing experience to “offer compensation for those who spend too long waiting in a queue.” All the while, Starry Studio said it has “personnel taking shifts and working 24 hours a day to make new server available,” as well as an upcoming invitation code feature slated for August, which will allow you to invite players to join your server even if it’s at capacity.

Once Human launched on July 9 as a free-to-play open-world survival game set in a post-apocalyptic future. It features mechanics such as a sanity meter, which is affected by eating polluted food and drinking dirty water, amongst other conditions. There are around 100 gun blueprints to craft, as well as an in-depth building feature to create your own settlements. In case you missed it, make sure to redeem the freebie codes available to get a headstart.

About Diego Nicolás Argüello

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