Onrush Servers Shut Down At The End Of November

Codemasters and Electronic Arts has announced that the online servers for Onrush will shut down on November 30. The servers utilize GameSparks online servers, which is shutting down on September 30, but Onrush itself will stay online until the end of November.

“Thanks to everyone who has supported our game – it’s been a RUSH. With player numbers in online modes dropping to low levels, we will be shutting down the servers from November 30, 2022,” Electronic Arts said in a statement. “For onrush fans who want to continue playing, offline modes will continue to be available.”

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With the servers shutting down, this also means that any online achievements will be rendered unobtainable after the November 30 date, so it’s best to get them while you can. Many online servers for games have been shutting down lately. Killzone Shadowfall’s servers shut down in August, and multiple Ubisoft games are having their servers shuttered at the start of October.

“Calling Onrush a racing game is a tad reductive and maybe even a little disingenuous,” Richard Wakeling wrote in GameSpot’s 9/10 Onrush review. “Sure, there are two- and four-wheeled vehicles careening around a track with reckless abandon. But with no finishing lines in sight, achieving victory in Onrush is about much more than simply seeing who can reach a chequered flag first. This bold idea for an arcade racing game comes from a new studio formed out of the remnants of Evolution Studios. It’s a curious transmogrification of various genres and styles, taking elements from the high-octane takedowns of Burnout, the multi-vehicle chaos of Evolution’s MotorStorm, and the class-based competitive action of a hero shooter like Overwatch. These influences might be unmistakable, but developer Codemasters has crafted a wholly original and innovative racing game that’s quite unlike anything you’ve ever played before.”

About George Yang

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