Open-World My Hero Academia Mobile Action-RPG Out Now

My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero, an open-world action-RPG based on the anime and manga of the same name, is out now on Android and iOS. Though it’s free, The Strongest Hero does contain in-app purchases.

The Strongest Hero lets players control various My Hero Academia characters, including All Might and Izuku “Deku” Midoriya, to stroll through and battle in the city of Honei. Heroes are collected like trading cards and can be powered up through training and upgrades to make them more powerful on the battlefield.

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Now Playing: 25 Minutes Of My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero Gameplay

Once collected, players can take their characters into fights as squads to defeat a plethora of My Hero Academia villains such as Nomu and Shigaraki. Players can also battle against each other in PvP or against the Allied Assault in co-op mode. On top of the single- and multiplayer features, The Strongest Hero will receive new content every month, including more playable characters.

A collaboration between Funimation and Sony Pictures Television Games, My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero was revealed in April. An open-world action-RPG with said to feature some unique story, the game is available on Android devices via the Google Play store and iPad and iPhone via the Apple App store. The Strongest Hero was originally released in Asia back in December 2020.

My Hero Academia is in the middle of its fifth season, which kicked off back in March. The new season, available on both Crunchyroll and Funimation, further explores the mentor-mentee relationship between All Might and Deku while the League of Villains ruminates in the background.

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