Outriders Demo Updated Again To Address Inventory Wipe Glitch

Developer People Can Fly has released an Outriders update addressing a glitch that wipes players’ inventories. The patch is now live on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Publisher Square Enix said the issue should be prevented going forward. Those affected between March 16-19 (and after) are told to reply to this Reddit thread or this Twitter post; the studio may reach out to further resolve any problems.

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Square said that any players whose inventory has been wiped due to the glitch will see their items restored soon. An exact date for inventory restoration is still to be determined, but the publisher hopes to have the issue ironed out in time for Outriders’ April 1 launch. Not all items will be restored; Square noted that only Legendaries will be recovered.

People Can Fly and Square are investigating other problems as well. This includes hiccups with disappearing accolades, the PlayStation’s touchpad sensitivity being too high, “further optimizations to multiplayer connections,” and improvements and bug fixes planned for the full game that weren’t possible to implement in the demo period.

The demo was patched earlier this month, which smoothened the gameplay experience by letting PC and PlayStation players toggle motion blur on and off. That toggle has been added to Xbox platforms in this latest update.

Outriders is the newest game from People Can Fly, the Polish studio that co-developed Bulletstorm and Gears of Wear 3 with Epic Games. Though it launches on April 1, Xbox Game Pass subscribers may want to cancel their Outriders preorders. The game drops on Xbox Game Pass the same day it launches on other platforms.

About jeremy winslow

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