Outriders Devs Outline How Wiped Inventories Will Be Restored

Developer People Can Fly is slowly addressing Outriders‘ inventory wipe glitch. Not everyone will see all items in their inventory restored; the studio has placed affected users in separate groups to compartmentalize specific cases. But most players should expect at least 20 Legendaries to be restored sometime soon.

In a lengthy Reddit post, senior community manager Toby Palm outlined the process People Can Fly is undergoing to restore the inventories of those affected players. It starts by splitting the player base into three groups–Groups A, B, and C–to determine the severity of the glitch’s impact. Group A has it the worst, with characters labeled “unplayable” due to the glitch and error messages when connecting to Outriders’ servers. This group makes up “most of the affected players,” according to Palm. Group B has characters that were affected by the glitch but not deemed unplayable. Group C is every other player in the community.

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After defining how each group has been affected, Palm outlined which items in the inventory will be restored. For those in Group A, everything will be reinstated regardless of item rarity. Group B is a little more specific: Up to 20 Legendaries that were wiped will be replaced. There’s nothing to be restored for Group C.

People Can Fly did not confirm an exact date for when inventories will be restored. Palm said that the studio “need[s] a bit more time to make sure that the process is running precisely as intended.” Some players have started seeing their inventories being replaced with gear of equal or better quality than the original item.

Palm also specified why reinstating wiped inventories isn’t as simple as “restore from backup.” Each Outriders profile has to be scanned for possible inventory corruption. After that, the item histories of affected players are cross-referenced against People Can Fly’s analytic metrics to determine which pieces of gear were lost. Because some players, like Group A, were hit harder by the glitch than others, the restoration process is long. Despite no date being attached, Palm said the studio is “working to an ‘ASAP’ schedule” to resolve the issue.

In other Outriders news, publisher Square Enix said that the inventory wipe glitch is the “highest priority” for both the company and People Can Fly. Earlier this month, People Can Fly promised “additional countermeasures” to combat the insidious bug. Despite these launch-day hiccups and dropping on Game Pass, Outriders still managed to climb the sales charts on both PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

About jeremy winslow

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