Outriders Hit 3.5 Million Players In First Month, Is Now Square Enix's "Next Major Franchise"

Outriders had a very successful launch. Square Enix announced today that the RPG-shooter game reached 3.5 million unique players globally over its first month (April 1-May 1).

Square Enix said Outriders is expected to become the publisher’s “next major franchise” thanks in part to its positive critical reception, suggesting a sequel is all but a sure thing. The game hasn’t likely sold 3.5 million copies, as Outriders is also available on Xbox Game Pass, but it’s still a huge number and indicative of the strength and appeal of the game.

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Citing its own internal data, Square Enix also said the average play time per user is more than 30 hours, while the game also achieved “extremely high engagement” for co-op.

“Launching a new game IP is never easy and we remain very grateful for the community’s support and feedback,” Square Enix external studios boss Jon Brooke said in a statement. “We continue to listen carefully and want to assure everyone that we are committed to improving and enhancing the experience in the coming weeks and months.”

Brooke added, teasing a sequel or some kind of other extension of the series: “We also look forward to expanding on Outriders in the future.”

Outriders was developed by People Can Fly. The studio’s main office is in Poland but it is expanding quickly, just recently acquiring Phosphor Games to start an office in Chicago. In total, People Can Fly has more than 320 employees, making it a very large independent developer.

About Eddie Makuch

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