Outriders Permanently Brands Cheaters, So Be On Your Best Behavior

Outriders is available now, and the servers appear to have largely stabilized and let players back in for all regions. Now that you’re back online, you’d be wise to not cheat or risk getting a permanent mark that others can mock you for.

During the Outriders demo period, developer People Can Fly has so far identified 200 cheaters out of around 2 million total participants. While the number is relatively small, the devs don’t plan to go easy on them, or any future players who think they can get around the game’s anti-cheat system. As reported by PC Gamer, the studio has announced that cheaters will receive a permanent on-screen “brand” for even one infringement.

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The prospective punishment is described as a “discreet but visible” watermark that will be overlayed on cheater’s screens, permanently marking them as untrustworthy. The watermark idea is likely aimed at YouTubers and streamers who might be tempted to use hacks to accumulate click-worthy amounts of high-level loot, like one demo player who was called out by the team after they “gave themself 600 Legendary Weapons.”

As well as being branded, cheaters won’t be able to matchmake with law-abiding players, similar to Fall Guys’ approach of letting cheaters play together on their own “Cheater Island.” For those who are worried about accidentally being branded a cheater, these rules only apply to those actively trying to get around Outriders’ anti-cheat software or using third-party tools to tamper with the game. Specifically, cheating in Outriders is defined as:

Intentionally running the game on PC without Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC)Modifying game files to enhance a character: levels, skills, inventory, etc.Externally modifying game time to reduce time-dependent features such as vendors and challengesUsing a trainer program or similar to gain advantages within the gameUsing gameplay altering programs such as aimbots or wallhacks

Those who already cheated in the demo version will automatically receive the cheater brand going into the game, though People Can Fly is offering a short amnesty to players who regret this choice. “If you cheated during the demo ‘just to try it out’ but wish to go into the main game unbranded, you must DELETE ALL CHARACTERS AND ITEMS ON YOUR ENTIRE ACCOUNT in order to wipe the slate clean,” the developer stated.

Outriders is launching on April 1 on PC, PlayStation consoles, and Xbox Consoles, with pre-load available on all platforms.

About Hayley Williams

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