Outriders Servers Are Stabilizing, Devs Will Explain What Went Wrong

Update: Outriders servers appear to be fairly stable now, at least on a large scale. Players having issues joining a game initially can try selecting a starting point rather than hitting the standard “continue” in the lobby.

The development team said it will be sharing specific details in the future about what happened at launch and what it had to do to fix the stability issues. The team is hoping to have this information available fairly soon.

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You can check the game’s status page for the latest information regarding server stability as well as other known issues.

Should the problem happen again, it’s possible servers could be brought back online in two phases. This was the case last time, with the US servers coming online last in order to avoid overload.

Original story follows…

If you’re having issues connecting or staying in an Outriders game, it isn’t just you, and the problem requires a major outage in order to be addressed. Developer People Can Fly has acknowledged the game is having server issues, and because it requires an online connection in all modes, that means that solo players can’t enjoy it right now, either. The studio asked that players bear with it and to not judge the game based on these “teething troubles.” An ETA has not been shared, but servers were taken down for a brief time in an attempt to fix the situation. Here’s the latest we know.

In a follow-up tweet, People Can Fly said some players would be able to resume playing, but it wasn’t “guaranteed” yet. The issues are still being addressed as of now. The official status page lists a “major outage” affecting the game’s core components. Later, the team said it was intentionally taking all servers offline for a short period in order to solve issues and address them properly. With the most recent update, People Can Fly said it’s “running checks on the restored infrastructure now to ensure it is operating as intended.”

The recent server issues have affected some of us here at GameSpot, though we were able to eventually get in after a little persistence. Other problems since the game’s launch on April 1 include getting stuck at the login screen–which can be fixed by waiting a few minutes–as well as broken cross-play. The latter feature is currently working between different consoles but not between PC and consoles.

People Can Fly studio head Sebastian Wojciechowski apologized for the ongoing issues in a tweet, saying that the developer is “trying to fix it ASAP” in conjunction with Square Enix. It added, “As developers who’ve been working super hard for the last 5 years to make this game awesome, we really hope that you will judge the game rather than those teething troubles related to server issues. It is frustrating for you and it is frustrating for us. We really appreciate your massive interest in Outriders and we hope to see you all on Enoch shortly.”

For Xbox Game Pass subscribers, these issues might be a little easier to stomach, as the game was included for free with the service. In GameSpot’s Outriders review in progress, Phil Hornshaw praised the way the game built on elements from other role-playing shooters, as well as the balance it strikes between seriousness and humor.

The ongoing server issues may be related to the fact that the game is off to a hot start. Once you are able to begin playing, make sure to check out some key Outriders tips.

About Gabe Gurwin

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