Over Half Of US Households Now Have A Gaming Console And A Fourth Own Next-Gen Hardware – Report

Some 53% of US households now own a video game console and 30% percent plan to purchase one sometime in the next 12 months, according to a new report from CES organizer the Consumer Technology Association.

The report examines a variety of consumer technology trends over the course of a year. This year, the CTA’s findings look into stay-at-home tech, health and wellness trends, and the preference of TVs over smartphones. It turns out that households love gaming, with the 53% representing a 10% increase from last year, fueled by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

There are other interesting statics in the CTA’s report. While 53% percent of US households own a gaming console, just 26% have a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X|S while 41% have a last-generation console of some kind.

And in terms of the 30% planning to buy a new gaming console in the next 12 months, it turns out that 21% want next-generation hardware. Meanwhile, of this 30% demographic, some 15% are looking to pick up a last-gen system.

No gaming setup would be (truly) complete without a 4K TV, and interestingly, the CTA’s report finds that 52% of US households now have one. This represents a 16% increase from last year.

Elsewhere, wireless tech continues to rise, with 47% of US respondents owning a pair of wireless earbuds as compared to the 45% who still use wired ones.

All of this is particularly fascinating as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, and even the Nintendo Switch, continue to be difficult to find due to the semiconductor shortage. Last month, the Senate passed legislation to alleviate the supply issues, as it impacts industries outside gaming as well.

About jeremy winslow

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