Overwatch 2 Includes Big Changes For Sombra And Bastion

While its release date is still nowhere to be seen, Blizzard is finally starting to share some of the nitty-gritty details of what players can expect in Overwatch 2. The developer has previously gone over new game modes being added in the game, along with new maps and skins. However, this is the first time it has gone over specific changes to either Sombra and Bastion.

Sombra, the game’s hacking fiend, potentially has the more contentious changes among the duo. Overall, she’ll be able to go on the assault more often thanks to some serious buffs to her hack ability, which now refreshes every three seconds. Enemies who are hacked still can’t use their abilities, although that’s just for a single second after being hacked. For the duration of the hack though, which lasts eight seconds total, targets are highlighted and can be seen through walls. Hacked targets also take a whopping 50% more damage from Sombra, giving the character a mean one-two punch of hacking a target then peppering them with bullets.

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Similarly, Sombra’s ultimate has been changed as well. While it no longer disables shields, it deals damage to any enemies in its radius, for a total of 40% of their current health. Naturally, any enemy caught in the blast is also hacked, so Sombra can easily take down enemies she hits.

Whereas Sombra’s changes are a series of buffs and nerfs, Bastion has largely been reworked. The automaton’s changes are obvious after first looking at its UI, which is now missing a button for self-repair. Instead, Bastion’s alt-fire ability fires an explosive orb that can bounce off surfaces and stick to players, perfect for spamming in chokepoints for area denial. The robot’s regular gun has also changed, firing at a lower rate but losing all of its spread, making it a kind of DMR for players to pick at enemies with.

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For those hoping Bastion wouldn’t turn into a tank anymore, breathe a sigh of relief. The hero’s ultimate now transforms it into an artillery cannon that can fire three explosive shells anywhere on the map. However, its sentry mode has been considerably reworked. Bastion can now move while transformed, turning the character into a moving gatling gun. While the ability also has a cooldown now, it’s sure to be an essential tool for Bastion players.

Blizzard’s latest showcase of Overwatch 2 updates comes as the company, along with Activision Blizzard as a whole, faces an upheaval. Blizzard’s president, J. Allen Brack, stepped down this past August, and Activision Blizzard is currently facing lawsuits from the State of California and its own shareholders, as well as an additional investigation from the SEC.

About Otto Kratky

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