Overwatch 2 evolves again this month with the launch of Overwatch: Invasion on August 10, and now a trailer for it has arrived. The big update to the popular Blizzard game introduces new Invasion story missions, another hero–Illari–and two more maps. A new PvP mode, Flashpoint, is also included.
Overwatch 2: Invasion is set for release on August 10 at 12 PM PT / 3 PM ET. Check out the trailer below to get a glimpse of what’s to come in the new expansion.
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Now Playing: Overwatch 2 Invasion Trailer With New Support Hero, Flashpoint, and More
As for the story missions, each is set in a different location being attacked by Null Sector, including Rio de Janeiro, Gothenburg, and Toronto. The missions are available through the Overwatch 2: Invasion bundle, which costs $15. In addition to permanent access to the missions, the bundle includes 1,000 Overwatch coins, a new Sojourn legendary skin, and permanent access to Sojourn as a playable hero for players who have not yet unlocked or purchased her.
Blizzard has confirmed that these three missions are likely to be the only ones we get in 2023, as there will be “multiple seasons” between Invasion and the next story-based season.
Overwatch 2: Invasion will also include a new battle pass, an underworld co-op event, an event focused on Illari, and more. Check back soon for the full patch notes when they are released.
In other news, Blizzard recently announced that legendary wrestler-turned-actor John Cena is coming to Overwatch. Cena will be joining the game as The Enigma, a mysterious figure seemingly helping Overwatch.