Overwatch 2 – Reinhardt Hero Guide

Reinhardt in Overwatch 2 is the same sturdy tank as ever, causing headaches for the enemy team with his strong shield and rocket hammer. This time around, with just one tank on your team, Reinhardt’s task is a bit different, though. Protecting remains his forte, but you want to pair it with a strong offensive plan to help push past the enemy and seize victory. Here’s how to best play as Reinhardt in Overwatch 2.

You can see how all heroes, including this one, stack up in our Overwatch 2 tank tier list, DPS tier list, and support tier list. Where did your favorite land?

Reinhardt Overview

Reinhardt is a mighty force on the battlefield and one of the ultimate defenders. His powerful barrier can withstand heavy assaults and keep your team safe while they push forward to claim the objective, and anyone who gets too close gets treated to the taste of Reinhardt’s hefty rocket hammer. The tank does struggle with long-range combat and can be easily overwhelmed in the wrong circumstances, so don’t make the mistake of leaving him alone too long. Reinhardt works better with a team and, ideally, a healer nearby to make up for his lack of self-sustaining abilities.

Reinhardt abilities

Rocket Hammer: Swings Reinhardt’s mighty hammer and deals heavy damage at close rangeBarrier Field: Generates a barrier that blocks all incoming projectiles and absorbs 1,200 points of damage before shatteringCharge: Reinhardt rushes forward and grabs an opponent in his path. If he runs into a wall while holding an opponent, this move deals additional damage.Fire Strike: Reinhardt creates a fiery arc with his hammer and sends it rushing towards enemies. Can be used twiceEarthshatter: Reinhardt slams his hammer into the ground, damaging nearby enemies and knocking them back

Question not thy lot

Unlike other tanks, Reinhardt is here to make a shield and do little else. If you rush forward and try whirling his hammer around, you’ll quickly find out that Reinhardt’s level of speed and short-range combat makes him suited to defense first and offense as a far, distant second.

That’s not to say he has no DPS potential, though. Reinhardt can grab a healer and slam them into the wall or charge into a tank to disrupt the enemy’s formation. If an enemy slips past your shield, you can also (usually) take them out quickly with Reinhardt’s hammer attack or use his ranged attack to keep foes at a safe distance. Just make sure to pair Reinhardt with a good healer, since he has no way to keep himself safe aside from the shield.

In other words, let your foes come to you. Reinhardt doesn’t work as a character who can chase down and defeat enemies on his own.

Push harder

Reinhardt keeps your party safe when they’re under fire, of course, but you can also adopt a more aggressive style and use his shield to break the enemy line and cause a bit of chaos. Reinhardt’s barrier absorbs a staggering 1,200 damage points before it shatters, so unless you’re under heavy, sustained fire, you can make good progress shoving your way past enemies and getting your team past their lines and turn the tide of battle.

If that fails, use Reinhardt’s dash attack to surprise enemies and take out whoever’s causing you the most trouble at the time. That goes double if your opponent happens to be Sigma, who can cover his team with his own barriers, chuck boulders at you, and lob his projectile attacks around your barrier so they explode and still deal damage.

Situational awareness lessons

Reinhardt’s shield is excellent, but only if you’re facing down strong enemies. Unlike some fortifying skills, the shield only protects against projectiles coming at you from the front. It’s easy for a fast hero such as Tracer or Cassidy to slip behind Reinhardt’s shield and start causing trouble. Tempting as it may be to push forward down the middle of the battlefield, the better strategy is leading your party down a narrow path that’s easier to defend.

Reinhardt struggles to change direction while charging, so make sure to aim well before using that abilityYou can see all around Reinhardt while his barrier is active, so keep an eye out for threats and adjust your strategy accordinglyFire Strike works wonders in tight spaces and against other slow-moving tanksLower the barrier to start restoring its health and keep it from shatteringReinhardt is helpless against airborne heroes like Pharah, so make sure he stays near a healer if they show up

If you’re keen on experimenting with other Overwatch 2 characters, check out our tank hero tier and support hero tier to see how they all match up.

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About Josh Broadwell

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