Overwatch 2 – Roadhog Hero Guide

Roadhog has received a rework in Overwatch 2, giving him a new ability and changing the ones he already has. These changes have given Roadhog more sustain, while also allowing him to deal a ton of damage like he did in the original Overwatch. This makes Roadhog an aggressive menace that thrives by attacking enemies directly. Here’s everything you need to know about Roadhog.

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Roadhog overview

Roadhog is a tank hero with a large health pool and the ability to keep himself alive. Armed with a close-range shotgun that can shoot a ranged blast as well, Roadhog deals a high amount of damage for a tank. His kit encourages an aggressive play-style, not just because his attacks work best in close range. He also doesn’t have any abilities that let him directly mitigate damage, instead relying entirely on his large frame to block damage for his teammates. The big man also excels at killing opponents, especially squishy healers and damage heroes.

Roadhog overview

Roadhog is a tank hero with a large health pool and the ability to keep himself alive. His revamped healing ability gives him a meter to pull from, letting you choose how much to heal. This also means that getting stunned doesn’t put your heal on a long cooldown, letting Roadhog recover quickly. He is equipped with a mid-range shotgun, which has large bits of shrapnel in its shot. His Pig Pen ability slows enemies in it and his ultimate ability can still clear an objective easily.

Roadhog abilities

Scrap Gun: Mid-range shotgun, with scrap projectiles in the middle of the shot.

Chain Hook: Throw a hook forward and drag an enemy towards you if you hit them with it.

Take a Breather: Use a breathing device to heal. Holding the ability will heal more and you receive less damage while it’s active.

Pig Pen: Place a trap that slows enemies and deals damage over time in an area.

Whole Hog ultimate: Use a rapid fire attachment for the scrap gun, dealing damage and knocking enemies back.

Be a tank, but play like damage hero

One of the more appealing aspects of Roadhog is his ability to deal damage quickly. His scrap gun deals a ton of damage, especially in close range. Hooking an enemy and blasting them with the shotgun does a high amount of damage. If it doesn’t kill, most heroes won’t have time to escape before you get another shot off. The hook combo is especially good for slowing down heroes that rely on movement, like Tracer and Genji. It also lets you close the gap on heroes that thrive at range, like Ashe, Bastion, or Soldier 76. While other tanks like Reinhardt can protect their teammates by sitting back with a big shield, Roadhog needs to be in the fight.

Menace to society

Since Roadhog doesn’t have a mitigation ability outside of his personal heal, the best way to get the attention off your teammates is to be aggressive. Even if you aren’t landing every chain hook and scrap gun combination, being up in the enemy team’s faces means they are going to spend time shooting you instead of your healers or damage dealers. Roadhog also has his own sustain built in with his healing ability. The heal can do a max of 450 health, but he can choose to use less and keep some meter for later. He takes a reduced 30% damage while healing, so you don’t need to find cover either.

The Pig Pen

The Pig Pen trap is Roadhog’s newest ability, which opens up a ton of possibilities. The trap creates a small circle when an enemy steps on it, slowing them and dealing damage over time, 90 damage over 3 seconds. This makes enemies much easier to kill, since they are taking damage and can’t escape. Roadhog also can easily get enemies on his trap, since you can use the Chain Hook to pull enemies onto the Pig Pen.

Clearing the objective

While Roadhog’s main attacks and abilities deal a ton of damage, his ultimate ability actually deals less damage than you might expect. That’s fine, since it’s far more useful as a zoning ability. When Roadhog’s ultimate ability, the gunfire knocks enemies far back, further than even a Lucio boop. The ultimate also lasts for a few seconds, so it can keep the enemies at distance for a moment, allowing time for your team to regroup or start a counter-push. This ultimate is also great if the game is in overtime and all you need to do to win is get the other team off the objective for a few seconds.

Other Roadhog tips

Roadhog’s Take A Breather has a meter that recharges, so you can do smaller heals more frequently, so it makes sense to top off your health whenever possible.The Chain Hook does have a limited range, but it is much further than you might expect.On the topic of the Chain Hook, be careful when it comes to grabbing the opposing tank, as you might be doing them a favor bringing them closer. It’s much more effective to grab a squishy character.Take a Breather has a very short animation before it starts working, so you can typically get it off as long as you have above 75 health.The Chain Hook is considered a projectile, so it can’t pierce shields or abilities that deflect projectiles.The Roadhog one-shot combo has returned, if you place Pig Pen, Chain Hook someone onto it, and hit the headshot, most non-tank heroes will go down.Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List – All 12 Tanks RankedSee More

About James Carr

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