Overwatch 2 – Soldier 76 Hero Guide

If you want a well-rounded attacker who can withstand a few hits, look no further than Soldier 76 in Overwatch 2. This jack-of-all-trades dishes out plenty of damage, sprints without cooldown, and can even heal himself in a pinch. He might not be as flashy as some heroes, but he can still lead the charge and change the battle in your team’s favor. Here’s how to play Soldier 76.

You can see how all heroes, including this one, stack up in our Overwatch 2 tank tier list, DPS tier list, and support tier list. Where did your favorite land?

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Soldier 76 overview

Soldier 76’s setup includes a bit of everything and makes him one of the most well-rounded DPS characters in Overwatch 2. His pulse rifle is your standard gun that should feel familiar to anyone who’s played non-Overwatch shooters before, with just enough recoil to keep him from being too powerful. He can sprint without a cooldown period, and he even has an ability that generates a biotic healing field for you and your teammates. Soldier 76’s ultimate removes the need for aiming and automatically targets any opponent in his sight.

Soldier 76 abilities

Heavy Pulse Rifle: Fully-automatic rifle. Fires nine rounds per secondHelix Rockets: Fires a burst of small explosives that damage enemies in a small area. Can damage self as wellSprint: Increases Soldier 76’s movement speed by 50 percentBiotic Field: Generates a healing field that lasts for five seconds and cannot be destroyedTactical Visor: Automatically locks on targets within sight, reloads Pulse Rifle ammo, and reduces reload time. Does not apply to Helix Rockets

To the frontline

Soldier 76 is a frontline hero who can press the enemy, provide cover for your team’s other attackers, and help turn the tide of battle by harassing healers and enemy attackers alike. Pair him with a sturdy tank in a strategic location to quickly gain control of the battlefield and provide opportunities for your other attacker to flank the enemy team.

Use Soldier 76’s helix rockets to keep enemies at a distance and to make it dangerous for them, even if they aren’t in your line of sight thanks to their impressive splash damage range. That range means you don’t need to worry about perfect aim either. Even if you miss the body, the explosion still makes it worth a shot. The ability has a short cooldown timer as well, so you can use it on a fairly regular basis.

Fleet of foot

Alternatively, you can play Soldier 76 as a highly mobile DPS character, since his sprint is a toggle ability and has no cooldown. If you see an ally in critical shape, sprint over to them and plant the biotic healing field to help save the day. Spot an enemy sniper that’s just out of range? Hightail it to their position and take them out.

While he doesn’t have the same mobility as Tracer or Genji that lets him escape unharmed, Soldier 76’s healing ability means he can hold his ground after turning up in enemy territory. That goes double if he’s with Zenyatta or Mercy. Use these two abilities to harass the enemy team from an angle they least expect. Just make sure to plan how you use the biotic field, since it has a 15-second cooldown timer.

He’s got his eye on you

Thanks to his more aggressive playstyle, Soldier 76 is more likely to charge his ultimate faster than other heroes, which is another reason why taking any shot you can get is a good idea. There’s (almost) never a bad time to use it. Firing off the ability is, naturally, better if you see a crowd of enemy heroes, but it can be just as useful against one opponent as well, letting you tail them with Sprint and fire without having to worry about aiming.

That said, depending on the situation, you may want to save it for a more strategically advantageous moment. For example, if you need to clear the opposing team from an objective area or give your team some space to move the payload, saving the ultimate until then is a much better idea.

Reload while you relocate or any time you can. This may seem like obvious advice, but with Soldier 76, it can make the difference between winning an encounter quickly and giving the enemy an extra advantageStay on your target as much as possible. It doesn’t take long for Soldier 76 to wear down even beefier DPS charactersSoldier 76’s sprint is his only movement ability. Try to avoid getting trapped in closed spaces and keep an eye out for snipers, since he won’t be able to get away too quicklyDon’t use helix rockets at close range if Soldier 76 is low on health, since you can easily send yourself back to the spawn pointWith his heavy weaponry and rockets, Soldier 76 is an excellent tank shredder

If you’re keen on experimenting with other Overwatch 2 roles, check out our tank hero tier and support hero tier to see how they all match up.

Overwatch 2 DPS Tier List – All 18 Damage Heroes RankedSee More

About Josh Broadwell

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