Overwatch 2 – Winston Hero Guide

Winston in Overwatch 2 is one of the most mobile tanks in Blizzard’s FPS game, capable of leaping across the field to sow discord among the enemy ranks. The jumping primate wields an electric laser beam that bypasses common obstacles such as Genji’s Deflect, but Winston struggles with distance combat. However, at close range, you barely even have to aim to deal damage. Here’s how to play well with Overwatch’s great ape.

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Winston overview

Winston is a different kind of tank, one whose defense capabilities take a backseat to mobility and ease of use. Winston’s electric laster has a wide hitbox, which means it connects and deals damage even if your aim isn’t precise. Jump Pack lets Winston cover an impressive amount of distance in seconds, perfect for distracting enemies and giving your DPS units a break so they can move forward.

Just don’t expect his Barrier Projector shield to withstand much fire. Barrier Projector is one of the weaker shields in the game since heroes can move freely in and out of it, but with the right planning and a bit of help from your teammates, you can still make good use of this protective bubble.

Winston abilities

Tesla Cannon: Fires a barrage that lasts as long as you hold the buttonTesla Cannon (alt-fire): Launches a ball of electric energyBarrier Projector: Deploys a large, dome-shaped shieldJump Pack: Winston launches himself through the air and deals damage in a small area when he landsPrimal Rage: Winston gains overhealth, a movement speed buff, and a buff for his melee attack. Jump Pack’s cooldown is shortened, and he can only use that and his melee attack

Look before you leap

You can do quite a bit with Winston’s leap, even aside from the obvious part of flying through the air. Like Doomfist, Winston can rush behind enemy lines, disrupting their formation and potentially picking off weaker heroes. He leaps higher than Doomfist, which means you can potentially use him to reach Widowmaker or Genji. Ana is best tackled from behind the Barrier Projector field so you’re safe from her sleep dart.

Propelling Winston above the enemy also gives him a slight attack advantage, letting you aim down–assuming you’re close enough–and deal some damage while they struggle to regroup. Whatever you do, just make sure to aim well. Winston leaps in the direction he’s looking in, so it’s sometimes easy to over- or undershoot your target if you aren’t careful.

Strategic shielding

Winston’s shield works a bit differently from most shields. The barrier stops projectiles, but it lets you–and the enemy–pass through. Heroes who operate at close range, such as Reaper, and those with quick movement abilities can easily zip in, attack, and retreat, rendering the barrier somewhat pointless in such circumstances, at least as a traditional shield. If you exit the barrier while an opponent is inside, it will still block their shots against you, so just think of it as requiring a bit more activity on your part.

The shield’s dome also extends through walls, so you can use it to help allies in trouble under you or in another room, giving them a brief chance to escape or some respite to launch a counterattack. You can also use it as a lure, drawing enemies to the shield to damage you and bringing them closer to your DPS allies waiting in the wings.

Shocking developments

Overwatch 2 gave Winston a secondary fire option for his Tesla Cannon, which is excellent seeing as the basic cannon has very short range. Charge up a shot and lob it from behind the Barrier Projector shield to compensate for the cannon’s short reach, or have it on hand to surprise your foe with once they enter the shield bubble.

The cannon itself isn’t useless, though. One factor that makes it highly recommended for new players is its broad hitbox. You don’t have to aim perfectly for your opponent to take damage, so the cannon is also a strong choice to use against fast heroes such as Tracer and Genji.

Winston is a fast mover, but don’t forget to keep up with your team. With only one tank, they need a hefty sponge to help take some of the bigger hitsTempting as it may be to fly behind enemy lines and cause chaos alone, Winston needs a teammate to help keep him alive and deal with foesPrimal Rage restores Winston’s health, so it may be worth holding it until the situation looks direJump Pack’s cooldown resets when you activate Primal Rage and when the ability ends, so don’t hesitate to use it to get Winston in an advantageous positionAvoid tackling tanks with Winston’s Tesla cannon since it deals a lower amount of damage than most tank weaponsOverwatch 2 Tank Tier List – All 12 Tanks RankedSee More

About Josh Broadwell

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