Marvel has announced that Penguin Random House will become the worldwide distributor of its comics and graphic novels, according to a release. The new agreement will go into effect on October 1 and is only being described as a “multi-year agreement” with an undisclosed term length.
Retailers will be able to choose between ordering directly from Penguin Random House or alternatively through Diamond Comics Distributor, which was the previous exclusive distributor of Marvel Comics. Hachette Book Group will continue to manage distribution of Marvel’s graphic novels and trade collections to the book market.
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“Marvel’s entire history is built on telling great stories,” said Dan Buckley, president of Marvel Entertainment. “As we’ve seen for decades, those stories go hand in hand with equipping the comic shops who share them. Marvel and Penguin Random House stand by that vision, and we are excited to build and expand those opportunities for our talent, retailers, and fans… We thank Diamond for their many years of support and partnership as we continue our relationship with them in other areas.”
The release further states that new Marvel comics “will continue to be available on Wednesdays at comic shops everywhere” and that this deal will have no impact on Free Comic Book Day this May.