Pentiment, A Medieval Narrative Game From Obsidian's Josh Sawyer, Is Coming This Year

Obsidian Entertainment is known for lots of violent role-playing games, but its latest project–helmed by longtime director Josh Sawyer–takes a decidedly pacifistic approach. Pentiment, a murder mystery set in the 16th century, still retains a role-playing essence, but sees players taking on the role of a devout, medieval villager who must conduct mundane tasks and explore a new while also hunting down a murderer.

Revealed at this year’s Xbox-Bethesda Games Showcase, Pentiment takes on the look of an illuminated manuscript (which by the look of it, you’ll also be tasked with creating in game) and seems like it might be a bit quirky in tone. The game is scheduled to release on Xbox consoles and PC later this year.

Obsidian is definitely keeping busy these days, with multiple confirmed projects like Avowed and the early access game Grounded already in the works. Avowed is particularly anticipated, as it looks to blend Elder Scrolls-like role-playing action with the established Eora universe created for Pillars of Eternity.

Every Game Shown During The Xbox & Bethesda Showcase 2022See More

About Gabe Gurwin

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