Pentiment Update 1.1 Adds New Minigame

Obsidian Entertainment has announced that update 1.1 for Pentiment is now live, which includes a brand-new minigame, a collection of quality of life improvements, and more.

As the latest Obsidian forum post details, the narrative adventure murder mystery game now includes an Endris minigame featured at the beginning of Act 1 for players to interact with. Additionally, there’s an added instant dialogue display option for characters which was an update the director Josh Sawyer promised would be arriving later on after the launch of the game.

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Quite a few bugs have been fixed too, one addressing the input mapper and another common issue where players would be unable to prevent talking to Father Gernot after giving him their evidence in Act 2. There’s also a Persuade check-in place that allows the conversation to continue here. The full patch notes can be read below.

In Pentiment, players take the role of Andreas Maler, a master artist who finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery in the Bavarian Alps over the course of 25 years. Set during the 16th century, the game features choice-driven mechanics, a 2D art style with an illustrated world inspired by illuminated manuscripts and printed woodcuts.

Pentiment Update 1.1 patch notes:

Endris has a new minigame that can be found at the beginning of Act 1Logic issue with the Final Day of Law and Judgment has been fixed to prevent people from being condemned if they were never accusedTelling Father Gernot your evidence against a character in Act II will no longer automatically prevent you from speaking with that character in the future. There is now a Persuade check-in place that can allow the conversation to continue.Credits have been adjusted and updated to contain various additions and fixesParallax has been added to the meadowCredits speed can now be adjusted, speeding up, slowing down, pausing, or reversingYou can now skip the introCreated hybrid input option that keeps mouse active when using keyboard and mouseAdded an instant dialogue display optionFixed bugs with the input mapperVarious Bug Fixes and ImprovementsThe Best PC Games Of 2022 According To MetacriticSee More

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