Persona 3 Portable Mitsuru Social Link Guide And Choices

Reaching Rank 10 in the Persona 3 Mitsuru Social Link is the only way to start a romance with Mitsuru and unlock the ultimate Empress Persona, Alilat–if you’re playing the male route. Like with Fuuka and Yukari in Persona 3, the female protagonist only becomes very good friends with them.

This guide explains how to start the Mitsuru Social Link and the best choices to pick for each protagonist. We’ve only included the conversations where a dialogue choice matters. For any that we didn’t include, you can pick any dialogue option and get the same result.

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How to start the Mitsuru Social Link

Mitsuru is only available after November 21, and you need max academics (genius level) to start the relationship, regardless of which protagonist you chose. You can raise your academics by studying at night or in the school library, but raising academics to the max level takes more than twice as long as it does to max out charm. If you don’t want to neglect your other Social links, you may have to save this relationship for New Game+, where your stats carry over.

Once you do start Mitsuru’s Social Link, you have very limited time to finish it. December 31 is the cutoff date for making a significant choice that determines what ending you get. If you go for the true ending, you’ll have some extra time in January to work on finishing the Social Link.

You can find her during the day on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at Gekkoukan High near the office.

An easier Social Link that you can start much earlier in the RPG involves the old couple at the bookstore. Head to the mall to start the Hierophant Social Link.

How to romance Mitsuru

If you’re playing as the male protagonist, you automatically start a romantic relationship with Mitsuru by progressing her Social Link. There’s no specific moment where you confess your passion or decide to remain friends. That’s true for your relationships with Aigis, Fuuka, and Yukari as well. If you want to do their Social Links, you don’t have a choice in the romance department–but you also don’t get penalized for having multiple girlfriends.

The female protagonist can’t romance Mitsuru.

Best gifts for Mitsuru

If you want to rank up faster, you can give Mitsuru gifts to help boost your relationship. She prefers:

DollsBrand fashion items

Mitsuru Social Link choices

As with Persona 3’s other Social Links, make sure to bring a Persona of the matching Arcana to get an extra relationship boost for every correct answer.That’s the Empress Arcana for Mitsuru. Most Empress Personas start at a higher level, so to save money, it’s probably best to keep one on hand rather than summoning from the compendium when you need one. Leanan Sidhe and Yaksini are the ones you’ll likely encounter or be able to fuse first.

Mitsuru Social Link rank 1

No choice matters here, regardless of your protagonist

Mitsuru Social Link rank 2–Female protagonist

Mitsuru seems nervous

Is this your first time? (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 2–Male protagonist

Mitsuru seems nervous

Is this your first time? (+2)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 3–Female protagonist

Mitsuru seems dejected.

Anyway, let’s eat (+3)

Perhaps he’s just maturing…

Does that make you happy? (+3)

I can’t explain why, though…

Love?That’s anxiety (both give +3)

Sorry for subjecting you to my incoherent ramblings… Please forget what I just said

Okay, I will (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 3–Male protagonist

Mitsuru seems dejected.

Ask her to treat you (+2)

Perhaps he’s just maturing…

Does that make you happy? (+3)

I can’t explain why, though…

Maybe you’re in love?Maybe you’re just anxious (both give +2)

Sorry for subjecting you to my incoherent ramblings… Please forget what I just said

Agree to forget about it (+2)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 4–Female protagonist

Soon, we’ll be looking back nostalgically on these times…

You seem troubled (+3)

What are your thoughts on marriage?

To be with your true love (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 4–Male protagonist

Soon, we’ll be looking back nostalgically on these times…

Did something happen? (+2)

What are your thoughts on marriage?

It’s the result of love (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 5–Female protagonist

…You can have ‘bored’ written all over your face without having to consider the feelings of others.

Both give +3

You may be more suited to ride a motorcycle than me…

Motorcycle? (+3)

Mitsuru seems happy.

Can I ride with you sometime? (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 5–Male protagonist

I find it interesting that so much thought is put into the design and construction of a movie theater

I’m glad you enjoyed it (+3)

She’s also more suited to ride a motorcycle…

A motorcycle? (+3)

Mitsuru seems happy.

Let’s go for a ride? (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 6–Female protagonist

Mitsuru is looking at the bookshelf.

Not feeling well? (+3)

It’s the best solution for everyone involved

It’s the first I’ve heard (+3)

So, I won’t run from my destiny

You should reconsider! (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 6–Male protagonist

Mitsuru is looking at the bookshelf.

Can I get a book for you? (+3)

It’s the best solution for everyone involved

That’s news to me (+2)

So, I won’t run from my destiny

You have to reconsider! (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 7–Femle protagonist

When you’re with me… what do you think?

I enjoy myself (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 7–Male protagonist

Or, is that being selfish?

Let’s do it! (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 8–Female protagonist

Mitsuru is trembling with anger.

How dare you!? (+3)

Please excuse me.

Both give +3

Mitsuru Social Link rank 8–Male protagonist

Mitsuru is trembling with anger.

Say something to the guy (+3)

Mitsuru is leaving. What will you do?

Both give +3

Mitsuru Social Link rank 9–Female protagonist

I’m so sorry about what happened the other day. It must have upset you

You were cool! (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 9–Male protagonist

I’m so sorry about what happened the other day.

That makes me happy (+3)

Mitsuru Social Link rank 10–Female protagonist

…I can’t wait until then.

Both choices give +3

Mitsuru Social Link rank 10–Male protagonist

…I can’t wait until then.

Both choices give +3The Best RPGs Of 2022 According To MetacriticSee More

About Josh Broadwell

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