Persona 5 Strikers: How Long Does It Take To Beat?

Persona 5 Strikers is the follow-up to the iconic RPG from developer Atlus, Persona 5, and it’s a continuation of the story with the same core characters of the Phantom Thieves. It features action-based combat that uses mechanics from the main game’s RPG system, and also has some light social sim elements that bring it closer to the core Persona experience. However, Strikers isn’t nearly as long as the main RPGs in the series, yet it still has a lengthy runtime.

How Long Is Persona 5 Strikers?

Upon finishing the game for review, I clocked in around 42 hours. This included completing the main story with all its dungeons, doing a large majority of the side quests called Requests, and experiencing the story elements at a normal pace. Your mileage may vary, but I would say that the estimated playtime for Persona 5 Strikers is around 35 to 40 hours. Completionists are likely to spend 45 hours or more.

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This is quite lengthy for a musou-style game from Koei Tecmo and Omega Force, but considering how closely Strikers adheres to the core Persona format, it may not come as a surprise. For reference, it took me 125 hours to finish Persona 5 Royal and experience the content added from the original release.

The game makes good use of its runtime–in my Persona 5 Strikers review, I concluded it saying: “For all its shortcomings, Persona 5 Strikers reminds me why I loved the Phantom Thieves to begin with and shows how they’ve matured since we last saw them. Once you get your head around it, the action-RPG combat is a challenging thrill, and no one can pull off flourishes in the same fashion as these characters. I almost forgot I was playing a musou-style game developed by Koei Tecmo and Omega-Force, and I think that’s a testament to how sharp Strikers is as a Persona game. If you have any love for Persona 5, what say you save the world one more time with some old friends?”

For more on the game, you can check out my article on some of the smaller things I really like about Persona 5 Strikers in the early hours, or read my review referenced above. If you’re interested in getting into the series and haven’t given it a shot yet, be sure to read my Persona 5 Royal review.

Although the game has been out in Japan since last year, Persona 5 Strikers launches on February 23 in the west (or February 19 for those who preorder the deluxe edition) for PlayStation 4 (PS5 backwards compatible), Nintendo Switch, and PC.

About Michael Higham

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