Phasmaphobia Brings Co-Op Ghosthunting To Consoles Soon

Developer Kinetic Games is bringing its hit horror game Phasmophobia to consoles later this August. The game will launch in early access for PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and even PSVR 2, its developer announced as part of the Xbox Games Showcase Extended.

Its specific release date hasn’t been confirmed, but Kinetic Games has said to “Keep your eyes peeled for a more detailed release date in the coming weeks.” The company also confirmed that there will be parity between the console and PC versions of Phasmophobia.

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“When Phasmophobia launches on consoles it will start with the Progression 2.0 update, and be updated regularly alongside the PC version with content and bug fixes,” Kinetic said. The console versions will include crossplay support with PC, as well, meaning everyone will be able to play with one another, regardless of platform.

Phasmophobia is a four-player co-op psychological horror game, in which its players are tasked with hunting ghosts. Players must utilize equipment to identify various types of ghosts across a wide range of locations.

The game initially launched for Steam in early access in September 2020 and quickly became a hit, especially thanks to Twitch streamers. Since its release, the game’s developer has continued supporting the game with various updates to keep things fresh.

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About Joseph Yaden

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