Physical Copies Of Fallout 4 Are Out Of Stock Almost Everywhere

Physical copies of Fallout 4 are in high demand. Thanks to the popularity surrounding the Fallout TV show, it seems everybody is ravenous to add developer Bethesda’s 2015 RPG to their bookshelves. If you’re one of them, well, you might be out of luck, unless you’re patient and don’t mind pre-owned copies for the most part.

Over at GameStop, the Xbox One version is available preowned for only $10, without an option for pick up in-store or same day delivery. Unless you spend over $79, you’ll also pay a $7 shipping fee. The PlayStation 4 edition is $15 a pop for preowned copies, though it’s only available in stores and availability will vary depending on your location.

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If you’re looking at Amazon, a new copy for Xbox One available from third-party sellers for $21.50, but don’t expect it to arrive for about a week. If you want free shipping, you have to either be a Prime member or spend at least $35 on your total order.

At the time of publication, Amazon had used copies for the PS4 version of Fallout 4 starting at $40, with brand-new copies exceeding $60. Both listings were from third parties as well. Shipping times vary depending on your location and which marketplace seller you buy from.

At Walmart, the PS4 version is nowhere to be found. Xbox One copies are available for around $25 and up, but your order will ship from a third-party seller. If anything else fails, eBay might be an option.

There’s been a substantial surge in popularity lately not just for Fallout 4, but all Fallout games–even the very first one on Steam. If you don’t want to wait or would rather not take a gamble on a third-party seller, your best bet might be purchasing a digital copy, at least until stock improves.

Once you finally get your hands on a physical copy of Fallout 4, make sure to keep our guides at hand to tackle the Echoes of the Past quest, as well as getting a hold of a Hellfire Power Armor and a Tesla Cannon to aid you in your travels. Also, note that there’s a next-gen update available, and you can read everything it addresses here.

The Best Fallout Video Game Deals Available Now – Cheap Bundles And FreebiesSee More

About Diego Nicolás Argüello

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