Platinum Games Director Hideki Kamiya Leaves Studio

Platinum Games has announced that director Hideki Kamiya is leaving on October 12. Kamiya has also offered his own words on the departure, stating that it was not an easy decision to make.

“We are truly grateful for his creative ideas, leadership, and contribution to the growth of Platinum Games from our start-up to this very day,” Platinum Games said in a statement.

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The studio continued, “We believe that he will continue to succeed in his future endeavors as a game creator. We are looking forward to seeing the game industry grow into a better place with him in it. We wish him all the best for the future!”

In conjunction with the studio’s statement, Kamiya put out his own statement as well, saying that deciding to leave was based on his “own beliefs.” However, he also said that this outcome is for the best and that he’ll continue to create games in his own way.

Kamiya has served as director on many franchises such as Devil May Cry, Okami, and Bayonetta. His latest endeavor at Platinum Games, Project G.G., was revealed in 2020. There have been no updates since and it’s not clear what status the game is in currently. He most recently worked on 2022’s Bayonetta 3 and Sol Cresta, as well as 2023’s Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon.

Kamiya isn’t the only high profile Japanese developer to have left their positions lately. Shinji Mikami announced he was leaving Tango Gameworks back in February, while Yakuza creator Toshihiro Nagoshi left Sega in 2021 to form his own studio under NetEase.

About George Yang

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