PlayStation 5 Exclusive Returnal Delayed To April

PlayStation 5 exclusive Returnal has been slightly delayed from its previous late March release date. The rougelite shooter will now launch on April 30.

Sony made the announcement on Twitter, saying that the development team at Housemarque required a little more time to continue polishing the game before launch.

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“SIE and Housemarque have made the decision to move the release date in order to give the team extra time to continue to polish the game to the level of quality players expect from Housemarque,” the post reads. “See you in April!”

Returnal is one of the few PS5 games that won’t be appearing on PS4, making use of the new console’s exclusive features in various ways. The PS5’s SSD, for example, is said to take a lot of the tedium out of dying and restarting runs, while the additional functionality of the DualSense controller allowed Housemarque to design gameplay features around its haptic triggers.

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This is also a big departure for Housemarque, with its best works having come in the form of frantic 2D arcade shooters such as Resogun and Nex Machina. The studio opted to stop working on these games because of poor sales figures, declaring the arcade era to be over and beginning work on larger-scale projects. However, it didn’t completely abandon its roots.

This new format and gameplay perspective is allowing the studio to experiment while also retaining the core pillars of gameplay it has been designing for over a decade. You’ll just have to wait a bit longer to see if it pays off.

Returnal is featured on our list of the most anticipated PS5 games of 2021, so its delay hurts, but in the meantime, we’ve put together a list of the best PS5 games you can play right now.

About Alessandro Barbosa

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