PlayStation-Exclusive FMV Game Erica Hits Steam This May

Developer Flavourworks has announced that its previously PlayStation-exclusive FMV thriller Erica will launch on PC via Steam on May 25. An exact price for the game has not been revealed, but Erica is now available to wishlist on Steam.

Erica is a full-motion video interactive fiction thriller that was published by Sony exclusively for the PlayStation 4. The game, akin to choose-your-own-adventure games like Until Dawn but with much less control of the characters, launched in August 2019. In January of this year, Flavourworks ported Erica to iOS devices.

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Now Playing: Erica: The PS4 Game That's More Like A Movie

Erica tells the story of the titular character, played by Holly Earl (the voice actor for League of Legends‘ Lillia and best known for her role in the Channel 4 sci-fi series Humans), who uses her recurring nightmares to uncover the truth of her father’s murder. Players make decisions for Erica at critical junctures to direct the story.

In addition to not clarifying how much Erica will cost–though it’s worth noting that the game is currently $10 on the PlayStation store and forward-compatible with the PlayStation 5–Flavourworks has yet to specify the game’s system requirements.

We gave the game an 8/10 in our Erica review from 2019, with critic Funké Joseph saying the game “never fails to hook you into its haunting, mysterious world.”

About jeremy winslow

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