PlayStation Now Games For August 2021: Undertale, Nier Automata, Ghostrunner

PlayStation Now is Sony’s game streaming service, and it adds new games every month to its lineup. August’s new PlayStation Now games consist of three heavy hitters, and if you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of at least one of them.

Nier Automata is perhaps the most notable addition to PlayStation Now in August. One of the most critically-acclaimed games of 2017, Automata is a character-action game that follows the strange adventures of androids and robots in a post-apocalyptic world. The smash hit Undertale is also coming to PlayStation Now in August. One of the most notable indie games of all time, Undertale is a charming JRPG with a unique hook: You can beat the entire game without killing a single enemy.

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Now Playing: Nier: Automata – Hacked Allies Gameplay

The last addition to PlayStation Now for August is Ghostrunner, a precise action game where you pilot a cyber-ninja who flips and slices their way through an army of opponents. Demanding and exacting, Ghostrunner was well-received when it first came out back in late 2020. Last month’s games included the high-fidelity adventure A Plague Tale: Innocence and the multiplayer shooter Call of Duty: Black Ops 4.

About Steven T. Wright

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