PlayStation Plus Game Catalog For January 2023: 12 New Games Available Now

The PlayStation Plus Game Catalog has been updated with 12 new games. January 2023’s lineup for PS Plus Premium and Extra subscribers includes one of the best action games in recent memory: Devil May Cry 5. Capcom’s demon-slaying action game is joined by a wide variety of other titles, including Dragon Ball FighterZ and Back 4 Blood.

Continuing Devil May Cry’s long-running tradition of making Vergil playable only in the updated edition, this version also boasts improved graphics and more challenging gameplay modes. Vergil gets his own story mode, although it’s mostly a remix of Nero’s missions with different enemy groupings. If you’re feeling up to the challenge, you can also tackle the Legendary Dark Knight Mode which throws an absurd number of enemies at you.

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Now Playing: Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition – Gameplay Launch Trailer

Other additions to the PS Plus library include one of the best fighting games of all time, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Left 4 Dead spiritual successor Back 4 Blood, and the critically acclaimed episodic adventure Life is Strange. Jett: The Far Shore is an interstellar trip across the cosmos with a unique soundtrack that creates a meditative experience, and Just Cause 4: Reloaded is a pretty decent sandbox in which you explosively topple a corrupt regime.

If you’d prefer a more cerebral change of pace, Erica is worth trying out. A live-action and interactive thriller, Erica mixes murder, childhood trauma, and grisly detective work together to create a gripping narrative. For retro fans, the PlayStation Classics coming for Premium subscribers include an enhanced version of Syphon Filter 3, destructive racing in Star Wars Demolition, and Hot Shots Golf 2. Each one of these games has been updated with quality-of-life features, such as enhanced up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters.

PlayStation Plus members can also grab the free games for January, which include Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Axiom Verge 2, and Fallout 76.

PlayStation Plus Extra And Premium January 2023 Games

Back 4 Blood | PS4, PS5Dragon Ball FighterZ | PS4Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition | PS5Life is Strange: Before the Storm | PS4Life is Strange | PS4Jett: The Far Shore | PS4, PS5Just Cause 4: Reloaded | PS4, PS5Omno | PS4Erica | PS4

PlayStation Plus Premium Classics For January 2023

Syphon Filter 3Star Wars DemolitionHot Shots Golf 2The Most-Anticipated PlayStation Games Of 2023 And BeyondSee More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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