The PlayStation Plus Game Catalog has been updated for December across the Extra and Premium tiers, and for anyone looking to jump into some excellent Yakuza games or become a wrestling legend, the new entries will pique your interest.
The biggest game being added next month is WWE 2K22, the most recent entry in 2K’s sports entertainment game franchise. After the disastrous WWE 2K20, the series skipped a year and went back to the drawing board, reemerging with a strong foundation and an overhauled gameplay system. Like previous WWE games, you’ll be able to build your own legend as you take your custom wrestler from rookie sensation to Wrestlemania main-eventer, host custom matches, and call the shots behind the scenes as a Raw or Smackdown general manager.
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Far Cry fans are in for a treat, as there’ll be three games from the series being added to PlayStation Plus. Far Cry Primal, Far Cry 5, and Far Cry New Dawn are fun first-person sandbox adventures, each with their own distinctive style and ideas. Primal is set in the Stone Age and features a deeper focus on survival, Far Cry 5 is a chilling journey into a remote Montana wilderness overrun by cultists, and New Dawn is a post-apocalyptic spin-off that adds more RPG elements to the mix.
For fans of challenging action-RPGs, you can go hands-on with Mortal Shell this month. A brutal swords-and-sorcery game inspired by Dark Souls, Mortal Shell demands superior awareness, precision, and instincts if you’re looking to survive against the deadly foes that are out to cut you down to size. In the Sega department, there’s a great selection of action-adventures from the Yakuza series to look forward to.
Judgment, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon are all terrific games with strong narratives and great visuals. Judgment is a spin-off starring a lawyer-turned-private eye, Yakuza 6 is a fitting end to the saga of Kazuma Kiryu, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon moves the series into RPG territory with a new protagonist, Ichiban Kasuga. All will be available starting December 20, but you’ll have to wait until January 3 before you can do a hurricanrana off the top rope in WWE 2K22.
PlayStation Plus members can also grab the free games for December as part of that membership, which include Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, Biomutant, and Divine Knockout. For a full list of PlayStation Plus December 2022 games, check out the lists below.
PlayStation Plus Extra And Premium November 2022 Games
WWE 2K22 | PS4Far Cry Primal | PS4Far Cry 5 | PS4Far Cry: New Dawn | PS4Mortal Shell | PS4, PS5Judgment | PS4, PS5Yakuza 6: The Song of Life | PS4, PS5Yakuza: Like a Dragon | PS4, PS5Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor | PS4Middle-earth: Shadow of War | PS4The Pedestrian | PS4, PS5Evil Genius 2 | PS4, PS5Adventure Time Pirates of the Enchiridion | PS4Ben 10: Power Trip | PS4, PS5Gigantosaurus The Game | PS4Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Ultimate Edition | PS4Worms W.M.D | PS4The Escapists 2 | PS4
PlayStation Plus Premium Classics For December 2022
Ridge Racer 2 | PSPHeavenly Sword | PS3Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus | PS1PlayStation Plus Classics: All PS1, PS2, And PSP Games Available NowSee More