PlayStation VR 2 Will Let You Film Yourself To Show Off Your Moves

Sony has revealed an early first look at the user experience for the upcoming PlayStation VR 2.

A new blog post from Sony has gone into some detail as to what PSVR 2 users can expect from the headset whenever it launches. First up is a very useful sounding see-through view that utilizes the headset’s embedded cameras to lets you see your surroundings while wearing the headset.

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You will either be able to press the function button on the headset, or use the card in the control center, which will switch between viewing your surroundings or whatever you’re doing in the headset. It is noted that there’s no recording option however.

There’s also the option to broadcast yourself while playing, which you can do through connecting to a PS5 HD Camera to the console. A small clip showing the headset scanning your surroundings somewhat shows this off, though it doesn’t show out the feature in full.

For those with safety concerns, you can also set up a customized play area. You do this by using the embedded cameras and the PSVR 2 Sense controllers to scan the room and “customize the play area to fit your play style and room environment,” similar to other VR headsets like the Quest.

If you get too close to the boundary you set up, you’ll get a warning to notify you of such. Settings are also saved from session to session, unless you move into a different play area.

Obviously the main draw of the headset is to play dedicated VR games, but there’s also a cinematic mode that allows you to “view the PS5 system and UI and all non-VR game and media content on a virtual cinema screen.”

PlayStation says the launch date for the headset and more game announcements will be coming soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

Sony showed off one of the headline titles, Horizon Call of the Mountain, in a PlayStation State of Play last month, showing off a familiar world from a new, first-person perspective.

Best PlayStation VR Games On PS4 And PS5See More

About Oisin Kuhnke

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