Pokemon Go All-Hands Rocket Retreat Event Adds The Slithery Salandit And Salazzle

Team Go Rocket will soon be living the island life in a new limited-time event: the Pokemon Go All-Hands Rocket Retreat.

The even kicks off April 3 at 12 AM local time and will run until April 7 at 11:59 PM local time, and it will see the fiendish Team Go Rocket try to steal some of Alola’s rarest Pokemon. Players will be able to complete event-themed research tasks that will net them special rewards, including the ability to catch Shadow Latias.

The event will also add two new Alolan Pokemon to the game: the Fire- and Poison-type Salandit and its evolution Salazzle. 50 Salandit candies will be needed to evolve Salandit to Salazzle, but only a female Salandit can evolve, so make sure you have the right one.

The full list of happenings during the All-Hands Rocket Retreat is below:

New Pokemon

Salandit and Salazzle

50 candies are needed to evolve Salandit to Salazzle (female only)

Special Research

Players who complete the Special Research tasks will earn a Super Rocket Radar

Use the Super Rocket Radar to battle Giovanni and encounter Shadow Latias.

New Shadow Pokémon

Shadow Alolan Rattata

Shadow Alolan Exeggutor

Shadow Alolan Sandshrew

Shadow Girafarig

Shadow Numel

Shadow Sudowoodo

Event Bonuses

Team GO Rocket will appear more frequently, both at PokéStops and in balloons

Charged TMs will allow Shadow Pokémon to forget the Charged Attack Frustration.

Field Research

Weekly research completion will encounter Sneasel, or in rare cases Scraggy.

Event Bundle

A special one-time bundle will be available for 1275 PokéCoins featuring:

10 Max Potions

10 Max Revives

5 Rocket Radars

The All-Hands Rocket Retreat was included as part of the Pokemon Go April 2022 calendar of events, along with daily and week-long events, special Pokemon Spotlight Hours, and all-new raids featuring Tapu Bulu, Thundurus and Landorus in their Therian Formes, and more. Niantic has also recently announced the schedule for Pokemon Go Fest 2022, including stops in Berlin, Seattle, and Sapporo.

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About Jason Fanelli

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