Pokemon Go August 2021 Events: Ultra Unlocks, New Research Breakthrough, And More

Pokemon Go developer Niantic has outlined some of the events it will be holding in the Pokemon mobile game in August. The studio has a number of activities lined up for this month, including new Spotlight Hours, a two-day Community Day, a new Research Breakthrough encounter, and three Ultra Unlock events. You can read more about everything happening in Pokemon Go next month below.

August Research Breakthrough: Chimecho

Niantic is refreshing Pokemon Go’s Field Research tasks and rewards beginning August 1, including a new Research Breakthrough encounter. Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough in August 2021, you’ll earn a chance to catch the Steel/Psychic Pokemon Chimecho. On top of that, you’ll earn double the usual XP each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough.

Legendary Raid Schedule

As part of its two Ultra Unlock events, Niantic is bringing the Legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia back to Raids during August 2021. Dialga will appear until August 6, while Palkia will be available immediately afterward until August 20. Niantic says it will share more details about which Legendary will appear after that at a later date.

July 23 – August 6: DialgaAugust 6-20: PalkiaAugust 20: TBA

Mega Raid Schedule

Niantic is also shaking up the Mega Raid boss rotation for August 2021. The current Mega Raid boss, Mega Charizard X, will continue to appear until August 6, after which point it will be replaced by Mega Ampharos. Mega Beedrill will follow starting August 20, and Mega Pidgeot will round out the month beginning August 26. You can see the full Mega Raid schedule below:

July 23 – August 6: Mega Charizard XAugust 6-20: Mega AmpharosAugust 20-26: Mega BeedrillAugust 26 – September 1: Mega Pidgeot

August Spotlight Hours

Every Tuesday evening in August, Niantic is spotlighting a different Pokemon and bonus for one hour from 6-7 PM local time. You can see August’s full Spotlight Hour schedule below.

Date Spotlight Pokemon Special Bonus
August 3 Magnemite 2x catch Stardust
August 10 East Sea Shellos 2x catch XP
August 17 West Sea Shellos 2x catch Candy
August 24 TBA 2x transfer Candy
August 31 TBA 2x evolution XP

August 2021 Community Day

August’s Community Day will take place across two days rather than one. The event will be held on August 14-15 and features the Evolution Pokemon, Eevee. Eevee will appear in the wild much more frequently than usual during the event, giving you more chances to catch it and stock up on Eevee Candy. On top of that, each of its evolved forms will also learn a special Community Day-exclusive move if you evolve them between August 13-16.

Ultra Unlock Events

As a reward for completing enough Global Challenges during Pokemon Go Fest 2021, Niantic is holding three special Ultra Unlock events throughout August. Ultra Unlock Part 1: Time is underway until August 3 and features Pokemon from different eras, including Shiny Dialga. Ultra Unlock Part 2: Space will follow from August 6-17 and will feature Pokemon from different regions, as well as Shiny Palkia. The final Ultra Unlock event is slated to run from August 20-31, but Niantic hasn’t shared any further details on that yet.

Go Battle Night

Niantic is hosting another Go Battle Night on Thursday, August 26. From 6 PM to 11:59 PM local time, you’ll be able to earn triple the usual amount of Stardust for winning battles, completing sets of battles, and increasing your rank in the Go Battle League. You can read more details on the Pokemon Go blog.

About Kevin Knezevic

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