The cosmic pokemon, Cosmoem, will arrive in Pokemon Go for the first time during the Evolving Stars Event. The event runs from October 5 at 10 AM to October 11 at 8 PM local time.
Cosmoem is a Psychic Legendary Pokemon, and is the evolution of Cosmog. Players can trigger the evolution by spending 25 Cosmog candies, which can be obtained by completing a new Special Research unlocked during the Evolving Stars Event.
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That means you need to have Cosmog already in order to get Cosmeon. Cosmog can be obtained by players via completing Season of Light’s first Special Research.
Here’s who you will encounter during the event, what raids will be available, and some additional details about Mega Gyarados Raid Day.
Wild Encounters
One-Star: Slowpoke, Onix, Scyther, Porygon, SunkernThree-Star: Magneton, Rhydon, Togetic, PiloswineFive-Star: Xerneas (October 8 – 20), Yveltal (September 27 – October 8)Mega: Mega Manectric (October 8-20), Mega Lopunny (September 27- October 8)
Mega Gyarados Raid Day
October 8 from 2 PM to 5 PM local timeMega Gyarados will show up more often in raids, increased chance of encountering Shiny GyaradosPhoto Discs at Gyms will give up to five additional Raid Passes
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