Pokemon Go February 2021 Event Schedule: Lunar New Year Event, Valentine's Day Event, And More

February is officially underway, and Pokemon Go developer Niantic has outlined a number of events happening in the Pokemon mobile game this month. In addition to February’s Community Day and the Kanto Tour event, the studio will be hosting a Lunar New Year celebration, new Pokemon Spotlight Hours, and more over the next few weeks. You can see all the biggest events happening in Pokemon Go in February 2021 below.

February Research Breakthrough Encounter: Snorlax

Niantic is rolling out a new batch of Field Research tasks and rewards starting February 1. In addition, a new Research Breakthrough encounter will be available. Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough in February, you’ll earn a chance to catch the Sleeping Pokemon Snorlax.

Legendary And Mega Raid Bosses

A variety of Legendary Pokemon are returning to five-star Raid Battles in February. You can see the full Legendary Raid schedule below:

January 31 – February 4: RaikouFebruary 4 – 9: SuicuneFebruary 9 – 20: Latios and LatiasFebruary 20 – March 1: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo

On top of that, Niantic is featuring different Mega-Evolved Pokemon in Mega Raid Battles throughout the month:

January 19 – February 9: Mega Venusaur, Mega Ampharos, Mega HoundoomFebruary 9 – 20: Mega Pidgeot, Mega Ampharos, and a “surprise Mega-Evolved Pokemon”February 20 – March 1: Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard X and Y, and Mega Blastoise GameSpot Report

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Team Go Rocket Celebration

Following the Johto Celebration event, Niantic is holding a Team Go Rocket Celebration from February 2-7. During that time, the following Pokemon will be appearing in the wild much more often than usual:


Additionally, new Pokemon will be hatching from strange eggs during and after the event, and Team Go Rocket grunts you encounter will have new teams of Shadow Pokemon. Some new monsters will also be available in Shadow form for the first time, including Swinub, Nosepass, Aron, Spheal, Lileep, and Anorith. You’ll also receive a new Team Go Rocket gift sticker for defeating one of the team leaders during the event, and there will be new event-exclusive Field Research and Timed Research tasks to complete.

Pokemon Spotlight Hours

Every Tuesday evening in February, Niantic will spotlight one specific Pokemon and bonus for one hour. These spotlight events will all run from 6-7 PM local time. You can see the full schedule below:

Date Spotlight Pokemon Special Bonus
February 2 Ekans 2x evolution XP
February 9 Miltank 2x catch Stardust
February 16 Luvdisc 2x catch XP
February 23 Pikachu 2x catch Candy

February Community Day

February’s Community Day takes place on Sunday, February 7. The featured Pokemon this time is Roselia. The Grass/Poison type will be appearing in the wild much more frequently than normal throughout the event, and you’ll have an increased chance of finding a Shiny Roselia. On top of that, any Roselia that you evolve into Roserade up to two hours after the Community Day ends will know two special event moves: the Fast Attack Bullet Seed and the Charged Attack Weather Ball.

Lunar New Year Event

Pokemon Go’s Lunar New Year event returns from February 9-14. Throughout the event, red Pokemon will be appearing more frequently than usual, and Niantic teases that a “special Mega-Evolved Pokemon” will make its debut in Mega Raids. Additional details about the Lunar New Year event will be announced later.

Valentine’s Day Event

Following the Lunar New Year event, Niantic is holding a Valentine’s Day celebration from February 14-19. Details are scant at the moment, but Niantic teases that some new Pokemon will be debuting as part of the event, and there will be exclusive avatar items.

About Kevin Knezevic

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