Pokemon Go February Community Day Features The Grass- And Flying-Type Hoppip

Now that January’s dual Community Day events are in the rear-view mirror, Niantic is wasting no time announcing the Pokemon Go February Community Day, which will feature a Johto-era Grass- and Flying-type Pokemon.

Hoppip will be the focus of the next Community Day, which runs from 11 AM to 5 PM local time on February 12. Not only will the Cottonweed Pokemon appear more frequently during the event, but any trainers that evolve Skiploom into Jumpluff–Hoppip’s second stage to its third stage–either during the event or up to two hours afterward will learn the powerful Charged Flying-type move Acrobatics.

Also available during the event will be a limited-time Community Day Special Research Story called “A Hop, Skip, and Jump Away”, which players can purchase for $1. Other Bulbasaur Community Day perks include:

Triple Catch Stardust for each Pokemon caughtAn Incense activated during the event will last three hours instead of 30 minutesLure Modules activated during the event will also last three hours instead of 30 minutes

Finally, the Item Shop will have two Community Day specials running throughout the event, with a special one-time-purchase Community Day Box available for 1,280 PokeCoins. The special bundle will include 50 Ultra Balls, two Super Incubators, six Star Pieces, and one Elite Fast TM.

The Hoppip Community Day follows January’s two Community Days, the first being a Spheal-themed event taking place January 16. The second, the first-ever Community Day Classic, took place six days later and featured fellow Grass-type Bulbasaur, the first Pokemon in the Pokedex. GameSpot recently spoke with Niantic about the Community Day Classic idea, as well as potential crossovers with Pikmin Bloom, and more.

About Jason Fanelli

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