Pokemon Go Fest 2021 is just around the corner. The two-day event takes place July 17-18, with different Pokemon and activities awaiting players each day. Whereas day 1 is themed around catching wild Pokemon, day 2 is all about Raids, and you’ll have another chance to encounter every single Legendary that has appeared in Pokemon Go to date throughout the day.
As developer Niantic detailed on the Pokemon Go blog, every Legendary Pokemon is returning to five-star Raids during the second day of Pokemon Go Fest 2021. Like the virtual habitats running on day 1, there will be different themed Raid hours rotating throughout the day, each of which will feature different types of Legendary Pokemon. You can see the full Raid schedule and the Legendaries that will appear during each hour below:
Pokemon Go Fest Day 2 Raid Schedule
Wind Hour
10-11 AM2-3 PM
MewtwoHo-OhLatiosLatiasRegigigasAltered Forme GiratinaCresseliaTherian Forme TornadusVirizion
Lava Hour
11 AM – 12 PM3-4 PM
MotresEnteiRegirockGroudonHeatranReshiramTherian Forme LandorusTerrakionYveltal
Frost Hour
12-1 PM4-5 PM
ArticunoSuicuneLugiaRegiceKyogrePalkiaKyuremAzelf, Mesprit, Uxie (in their respective regions)
Thunder Hour
1-2 PM5-6 PM
ZapdosRaikouRegisteelRayquazaDialgaTherian Forme ThundurusCobalionZekromXerneas
*All listed times above are local
Niantic notes that Mythical Pokemon, such as Mew and Deoxys, will not be appearing in Raids during Pokemon Go Fest 2021, but a new one will be available. The studio recently confirmed that the Mythical Pokemon Meloetta will debut during day 1 of the event via a new Special Research story quest for Go Fest ticket holders.
Like last year, all Pokemon Go players will have a chance to participate in Pokemon Go Fest 2021, whether they purchase a ticket or not, but there will be some exclusive benefits and features for ticket holders, including increased chances to catch Shiny Pokemon and special global challenges. You can purchase a Go Fest ticket through the in-game shop for $5 USD.
As previously mentioned, day 1 of Pokemon Go Fest 2021 is all about catching Pokemon. Just as last year, there will be different virtual habitats, which will rotate out every hour and determine which kinds of Pokemon you encounter in the wild. Ticket holders will also be able to work together to complete global challenges during the event. If enough of those challenges are complete, Niantic will hold special Ultra Unlock events after Go Fest.