Pokemon Go Fest Adds New Forms To A Legendary Pokemon

Necrozma is set to arrive in Pokemon Go as part of this year’s Pokemon Go Fest 2024 celebration, and the legendary Pokemon will be able to assume different forms thanks to a new feature: Pokemon fusion.

Players who purchase a ticket for Pokemon Go Fest 2024 will have access to an exclusive Special Research questline during the event. Completing these quests will reward players with either Solar Fusion Energy or Lunar Fusion Energy, which can then be used to fuse Necrozma with Solgaleo or Lunala to form Dusk Mane Necrozma or Dawn Wings Necrozma, respectively.

According to the official Pokemon Go website, fusing Necrozma will cost 1,000 Fusion Energy, 30 Necrozma Candy, and 30 Cosmog Candy. The two legendary Pokemon will remain fused until players separate them.

Players who attend one of the in-person Pokemon Go Fest gatherings will have the first opportunity to catch Necrozma, but the legendary Pokemon will also be available during the global Go Fest event scheduled for July. Dusk Mane Necrozma and Dawn Wings Necrozma will appear in raid battles during Day 2 of the event. Clear one of these raids and you’ll earn a chance to catch standard Necrozma, along with some Fusion Energy and other rewards.

Pokemon Go Fest 2024 will take place across multiple dates and locations, capping off with a global virtual event open to players worldwide. Tickets can be purchased either through Pokemon Go’s in-game item shop or its web store. You can see the full event schedule below:

May 30-June 2: Sendai, JapanJune 14-16: Madrid, SpainJuly 5-7: New York, USJuly 13-14: Global

In the meantime, Pokemon Go’s Catching Wonders event kicks off on May 14, giving players another chance to earn a rare Master Ball. The game’s May Community Day will follow on Sunday, May 19. This month’s featured Pokemon is the grass type Bounsweet.

About Kevin Knezevic

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