Pokemon Go Giving Out Free Remote Raid Passes Every Week In April

Pokemon Go developer Niantic is once again giving out a free item bundle every week this month. The bundle will be available in Pokemon Go’s in-game shop every Monday throughout April, and it’ll contain a handful of items, including a free Remote Raid Pass, which allows you to join a Raid Battle from home.

The free Remote Raid Passes will come in handy, as Niantic has a variety of Raid bosses lined up for the game this month. Therian Forme Tornadus is currently appearing in five-star Raids until April 13, making this your first chance to catch this form of the Legendary in Pokemon Go. Once it leaves the game, Therian Forme Landorus will make its debut from April 13-27.

A new Mega-Evolved Pokemon also debuted this month. As part of Pokemon Go’s spring event, Mega Lopunny is making its first appearance as a Mega Raid boss. Mega Gengar and Mega Manectric will also appear in Mega Raids in April, making this a good chance to stock up on Mega Energy for each respective Pokemon.

The aforementioned spring event runs from April 4-8. In addition to Mega Lopunny, various spring-themed Pokemon will appear in the wild during the event, including flower crown-wearing Pikachu and Chansey. Shiny Bunnelby will be available as well, and there are event-exclusive Research tasks and a Spring Collection Challenge to complete.

A few other April events are also on the horizon. April’s Community Day is set for Sunday, April 11. The featured Pokemon this month is Snivy, the Gen 5 Grass-type starter. If you can evolve it into its final form, Serperior, during the event, it will learn the Community Day-exclusive move Frenzy Plant.

About Kevin Knezevic

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