Pokemon Go Adding New Paldean Pokemon With Horizons Event

During today’s Pokemon Presents livestream, a new in-game event for Pokemon Go was announced, and it will focus on the next chapter of the Pokemon anime: Pokemon Horizons.

The event will focus on Sprigatito and Fuecoco, though it will introduce a new Captain’s Hat Pikachu variant–a reference to Horizons’s Captain Pikachu–that knows the move Volt Tackle, which makes it Pokemon Go debut. The new event will also introduce three new Pokemon to the game: Charcadet, Armarouge, and Ceruledge.

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Now Playing: Pokémon Go – Pokémon Horizons: The Series Celebration Event Trailer

The two heroes of Pokemon Horizons–Liko and Roy–will also have a random chance of appearing in-game by taking snapshots of Pokemon. If they appear, their corresponding partner Pokemon–Sprigatito for Liko and Fuecoco for Roy–will spawn in the wild and can be caught.

Pokemon Horizons is a new anime series following the aforementioned Liko and Roy as they sail the skies of the Pokemon world in an airship called the Brave Oviline. Horizons marks the first chapter of the Pokemon anime after the adventures of Ash Ketchum, who ended his 25-year run as the main star of the show last year. The series debuted in Japan in December and will come to North America via Netflix on March 8.

Pokemon Go is available to download now on iOS and Android devices. The Pokemon Horizons event for Pokemon Go will run March 5-11, and it will coincide with the previously-mentioned Pokemon Horizons premiere on March 8.

Pokemon Presents February 2024: All The Biggest AnnouncementsSee More

About Jason Fanelli

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