Niantic has kicked off 2022 in Pokemon Go with the Mountains of Power event, but along with that comes a fresh new set of Field Research tasks to complete.
To achieve a Research Breakthrough, you’ll need to collect stamps by completing the Field Research tasks. Only the first task of each day gets you a stamp, however, so you’ll need to complete one per day for a week in order to unlock the Research Breakthrough rewards and encounter–this month’s encounter being the stone snake Onix.
To receive new Field Research tasks, you’ll need to venture out to your local PokeStop. One task from the pool below will be randomly selected for you when you spin the Photo Disc for supplies, with each completion netting you rewards along with the aforementioned stamps. The list of available tasks and corresponding rewards is below.
January 2022 is bringing a lot of new and exciting events to Pokemon Go, starting with the Rock- and Steel-type themed Mountains of Power. More events are planned throughout the month of January as part of the Season of Heritage arc, including new Raid Hours featuring legendary Pokemon and Mega Raids featuring the Pokemon Go debut of Mega Aerodactyl.
Pokemon Go January 2022 Field Research
Catching Tasks
Field Research Task |
Rewards |
Catch 5 Pokemon with Weather boost |
Poliwag, Vulpix, Hippopotas, or Snover encounter OR 200 Stardust, 3 Razz Berries, 3 Pinap Berries, or 5 Poke Balls |
Catch 10 Pokemon with Weather boost |
500 Stardust, 6 Razz Berries, 2 Pinap Berries, or 5 Great Balls |
Catch 5 different species of Pokemon |
Burmy encounter |
Catch 5 Pokemon |
Rhyhorn encounter |
Catch 7 Pokemon |
Magikarp encounter |
Catch 10 Pokemon |
200 Stardust, 3 Razz Berries, 1 Pinap Berry, or 5 Poke Balls |
Use 5 Berries to help catch Pokemon |
Wurmple encounter OR 500 Stardust, 6 Razz Berries, 2 Pinap Berries, or 5 Great Balls |
Catch 10 Normal-type Pokemon |
10 Mega Pidgeot Energy, 500 Stardust, 6 Razz Berries, 2 Pinap Berries, or 5 Great Balls |
Catch 10 Grass-type Pokemon |
10 Mega Venusaur Energy, 500 Stardust, 6 Razz Berries, 2 Pinap Berries, or 5 Great Balls |
Catch 10 Fire-type Pokemon |
10 Mega Charizard Energy, 500 Stardust, 6 Razz Berries, 2 Pinap Berries, or 5 Great Balls |
Catch 10 Water-type Pokemon |
10 Mega Blastoise Energy, 500 Stardust, 6 Razz Berries, 2 Pinap Berries, or 5 Great Balls |
Catch a Dragon-type Pokemon |
Dratini or Bagon encounter OR 1500 Stardust, 3 Rare Candies, 2 Golden Razz Berries, or 10 Ultra Balls |
Catch a Ditto |
1,500 Stardust, 3 Rare Candies, 2 Gold Razz Berries, or 10 Ultra Balls |
Battling Tasks
Field Research Tasks |
Rewards |
Win 2 Raids |
Snorlax encounter |
Win 5 Raids |
Aerodactyl encounter |
Win a level 3 or higher Raid |
Kabuto or Omanyte encounter |
Defeat A Team Go Rocket Leader |
Lapras encounter |
Battle in the Go Battle League 2 Times |
Stunfisk encounter |
Use 10 Super Effective Charged Attacks |
10 Mega Abomasnow Energy |
Throwing Tasks
Field Research Task |
Rewards |
Make 3 Great throws |
Snubbull, Anorith, or Lileep encounter OR 200 Stardust, 3 Razz Berries, 1 Pinap Berry, or 5 Poke Balls |
Make 5 Nice throws |
Dunsparce encounter OR 200 Stardust, 3 Razz Berries, 1 Pinap Berry, or 5 Poke Balls |
Make 3 Nice throws in a row |
500 Stardust, 2 Pinap Berries, 5 Great Balls, or 2 Ultra Balls |
Make 3 Great throws in a row |
Onix encounter OR 1,000 Stardust, 1 Rare Candy, 9 Razz Berries, 3 Pinap Berries, 10 Poke Balls, or 5 Ultra Balls |
Make 3 Great curveball throws |
1,000 Stardust, 1 Rare Candy, 9 Razz Berries, 3 Pinap Berries, 10 Poke Balls, or 5 Ultra Balls |
Make 3 Great curveball throws in a row |
1,500 Stardust, 3 Rare Candies, 2 Gold Razz Berries, or 10 Ultra Balls |
Make 5 Great curveball throws in a row |
Spinda encounter |
Make an Excellent throw |
500 Stardust, 2 Pinap Berries, 5 Great Balls, or 2 Ultra Balls |
Make 3 Excellent throws in a row |
Gible encounter |
Make 5 curveball throws in a row |
500 Stardust, 6 Razz Berries, 2 Pinap Berries, or 5 Great Balls |
Make 2 Nice curveball throws in a row |
200 Stardust, 3 Razz Berries, 1 Pinap Berry, or 5 Poke Balls |
Misc. Tasks
Field Research Task |
Rewards |
Hatch an Egg |
Mantine encounter |
Hatch 2 Eggs |
Beldum encounter |
Hatch 3 Eggs |
Chansey encounter |
Evolve a Pokemon |
Eevee encounter |
Walk 2 KM |
Shellder encounter |
Spin 3 Pokestops or Gyms |
Sudowoodo encounter OR 500 Stardust, 6 Razz Berries, 2 Pinap Berries, or 5 Great Balls |
Spin 5 Pokestops or Gyms |
Ralts encounter |
Spin 10 PokeStops or Gyms |
200 Stardust, 3 Razz Berries, 1 Pinap Berry, or 5 Poke Balls |
Take a Snapshot of a Wild Pokemon |
Murkrow, Hoppip, Yanma, or Miltank encounter OR King’s Crown |
Friend / Buddy Tasks
Field Research Task |
Rewards |
Earn 5 Hearts with your Buddy |
Eevee encounter |
Open 5 Gifts |
Slakoth encounter |
Trade a Pokemon |
Bidoof encounter |
Earn 2 Candies walking with you Buddy |
Bunnelby encounter |
Earn 3 Candies walking with you Buddy |
Stunfisk encounter |
Power Up Tasks
Field Research Task |
Rewards |
Power Up Pokemon 3 times |
Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle encounter |
Power Up Pokemon 5 times |
Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile encounter OR 10 Mega Venusaur Energy, 10 Mega Charizard Energy, and 10 Mega Blastoise Energy OR 10 Mega Beedrill Energy and 10 Mega Pidgeot Energy |
Power Up Pokemon 7 times |
Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip encounter |
If you’re looking for a good day to get some tasks done, January’s Community Day on January 16–featuring third-generation seal Pokemon Spheal–will be a perfect day to knock them out.