Pokemon Go July 2021 Events: Deoxys Raids, Rufflet Research Breakthrough, And More

July is officially here, and Niantic has outlined some of the big events it’s holding in Pokemon Go this month. In addition to Pokemon Go Fest 2021, there are a number of activities to look forward to in the game over the next few weeks, including the return of Mewtwo and Deoxys, new Research Breakthrough rewards, and more.

July 2021 Research Breakthrough Encounter: Rufflet

Niantic is rolling out a new batch of Field Research tasks and rewards beginning July 1, including a new Research Breakthrough encounter. Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough in July, you’ll earn a chance to catch the Flying-type Pokemon Rufflet. On top of that, you’ll also receive double XP and a free Remote Raid Pass each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough in July.

Raid Schedule

Legendary Raids

Immediately after the Bidoof Day event, which will see Bidoof appearing more frequently in the wild and in all Raid tiers, Defense Forme Deoxys will arrive in five-star Raids until July 16. Following its departure, Mewtwo will make its return until July 23. Not only does this mark another rare opportunity to catch Mewtwo outside of EX Raids, but you’ll also have a chance to find a Shiny Mewtwo. An as-yet unannounced Pokemon is scheduled to replace Mewtwo later in the month. You can see July’s full Legendary Raid schedule below.

July 1-16: Defense Forme DeoxysJuly 16-23: MewtwoJuly 23: TBA

Mega Raids

As before, Niantic will feature only one Mega-Evolved Pokemon at a time in Mega Raid Battles throughout July. Mega Houndoom is kicking off the month until July 16, when it will be replaced by Mega Gengar until July 23. Capping off the month will be Mega Charizard X. You can see July’s Mega Raid schedule below.

July 1-16: Mega HoundoomJuly 16-23: Mega GengarJuly 23-August 6: Mega Charizard X

July Pokemon Spotlight Hours

Every Tuesday evening in July, Niantic is spotlighting a different Pokemon and bonus for one hour from 6-7 PM local time. You can see July’s full Spotlight Hour schedule below.

Date Spotlight Pokemon Special Bonus
July 6 Bulbasaur 2x catch XP
July 13 Charmander 2x catch Candy
July 20 Squirtle 2x transfer Candy
July 27 Natu 2x evolution XP

July Community Day

July’s Community Day is set for Saturday, July 3. This month’s featured Pokemon is Tepig, the Fire-type starter from Pokemon Black and White. Not only will Tepig appear more frequently in the wild throughout the event, but any that you evolve all the way into its final form, Emboar, during the event will automatically know the Fire-type Charged attack Blast Burn.

Pokemon Go Anniversary Event

This summer marks Pokemon Go’s fifth anniversary, and Niantic is celebrating the milestone with a special anniversary event from July 6-15. Niantic says that additional details about the event will be announced in early July.

Go Battle Night

The second Go Battle Night of the season is set for Sunday, July 11. The event runs from 6-11:59 PM local time and will offer triple Stardust rewards winning battles, completing sets of battles, and ranking up.

About Kevin Knezevic

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