Pokemon Go June 2021 Events: Shadow Zapdos, Galarian Slowpoke, And More

June is officially here, and Pokemon Go developer Niantic has outlined some of the events it has lined up for the mobile game this month. June 1 marks the start of the Season of Discovery, and this month is packed with a variety of activities and celebrations, including the debut of new Galarian forms. To help get you up to speed, we’ve rounded up all the biggest events happening in Pokemon Go in June 2021 below.

Shadow Zapdos

Team Go Rocket leader Giovanni will have Shadow Zapdos in his possession from June 1-17. You’ll have a chance to rescue the Legendary by completing the latest latest Team Go Rocket Special Research line, The Higher They Fly, which will net you a Super Rocket Radar needed to track down and challenge Giovanni. Starting June 17, Niantic teases that Giovanni will have a different Shadow Pokemon.

June Research Breakthrough: Clamperl

Niantic is rolling out a new batch of Field Research tasks and rewards starting June 1, as well as a new Research Breakthrough encounter. Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough in June, you’ll earn a chance to catch the rare Clamperl. As an added bonus, you’ll also receive double XP and a free Remote Raid Pass each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough.

Legendary Raid Schedule

Niantic is bringing the Legendary Regi trio–Regirock, Registeel, and Regice–back to five-star Raid Battles during the first half of the month. All three Legendaries will be available until June 17, after which point they’ll be replaced by a “surprise Legendary Pokemon.”

June 1-17: Regirock, Registeel, RegiceJune 17-30: “Surprise” Legendary Pokemon

Niantic has also confirmed which Pokemon will be featured during June’s weekly Raid Hour events. From 6-7 PM local time every Wednesday evening, you’ll have more chances to catch the following Legendaries:

June 2: RegirockJune 9: RegisteelJune 16: RegiceJune 23: TBAJune 30: TBA

Mega Raid Schedule

Beginning June 1, Niantic is paring back the Mega Raid Battle rotations to only one Pokemon at a time. During the first week of the month, Mega Lopunny will be featured in Mega Raids. After that, Mega Slowbro will make its debut in the game from June 8-17, with Mega Gyarados following for the remainder of the month. You can see the full Mega Raid schedule for June below:

June 1-7: Mega LopunnyJune 8-17: Mega SlowbroJune 17-July 2: Mega Gyarados

June Pokemon Spotlight Hours

Niantic is spotlighting a different Pokemon and bonus for one hour every Tuesday evening, from 6-7 PM local time, all month long. You can see June’s full Spotlight Hour schedule below.

Date Spotlight Pokemon Special Bonus
June 1 Dwebble 2x catch XP
June 8 Abra 2x catch Candy
June 15 Slowpoke 2x transfer Candy
June 22 Swinub 2x evolution XP

June Community Day

June’s Community Day is set for Sunday, June 6, and this month’s featured Pokemon is the Land Shark, Gible. Throughout the event, Gible will appear in the wild more frequently than normal, and you’ll have more chances to encounter a Shiny Gible. If you’re able to evolve it into its final form, Garchomp, either during the Community Day or up to two hours after the event ends, your Pokemon will know the Ground-type Charged Attack Earth Power.

Slowpoke Event

From June 8-13, Niantic is holding a Slowpoke-themed event called A Very Slow Discovery. As part of the event, Galarian Slowpoke, Galarian Slowbro, and Mega Slowbro will all be making their debut in the game, and there will be a new Collection Challenge to complete.

Solstice Event

Niantic is celebrating the summer solstice with a special event from June 17-20. Players who live in the Northern Hemisphere will encounter summer-themed Pokemon during the event, while those in the Southern Hemisphere will find winter-themed Pokemon. Niantic says that more details about the event will be shared on June 16.

Mystery Event

Niantic is holding some kind of mystery event from June 25 to July 1. No details have been announced just yet, but Niantic teases that “Trainers will be able to sink their two front teeth into an unexpected event.” You can read more about Pokemon Go’s June events on the game’s official blog.

About Kevin Knezevic

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