Pokemon Go March 2021 Community Day Announced, Features Fletchling

Pokemon Go‘s next Community Day event is set for Saturday, March 6, developer Niantic has announced. The featured monster for this event will be Fletchling, a bird Pokemon first introduced in Pokemon X and Y, and there will be a new Special Research story and various other in-game bonuses.

Throughout March’s Community Day, Fletchling will appear in the wild much more frequently than usual, giving you more chances to catch it and stock up on Fletchling Candy. You’ll also have your first chance to catch a Shiny Fletchling during the event.

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As usual, you’ll also be able to get a special event-exclusive move during March’s Community Day. If you can evolve Fletchinder–Fletchling’s evolved form–into Talonflame up to two hours after the event ends, it’ll automatically know the Fire-type attack Incinerate.

On top of that, Niantic will offer another paid Special Research story during March’s Community Day. This one is called The Bravest Bird, and tickets to gain access to it will cost $1 USD. A special Community Day item bundle will also be on sale in Pokemon Go’s item shop during the event. The bundle will cost 1,280 PokeCoins and include the following:

50 Ultra Balls5 Lucky Eggs1 Poffin1 Elite Fast TM

Finally, a couple of in-game bonuses will be active during March’s Community Day. First, you’ll receive triple the normal amount of XP for catching Pokemon. As usual, any Incense that you use during the event will also remain active for three hours rather than the usual 60 minutes.

March’s Community Day runs from 11 AM to 5 PM local time. You can read more about the event on the official Pokemon Go blog.

In the meantime, the Kanto Celebration event is underway until February 27. Then, on February 28, Niantic is holding a Kanto Raid Day featuring the Gen 1 Legendaries Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.

About Kevin Knezevic

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