Pokemon Go March 2021 Events Schedule: Therian Legendary Raids, Gible Research Breakthrough, And More

Pokemon Go‘s next season of content will start on March 1, developer Niantic has announced, and it’ll include new Legendary Pokemon, as well as various events and in-game bonuses. The studio has now outlined some of the biggest events it has in store for the game throughout March, from the debut of Therian forms to new Bonus Hour events and more.

March 2021 Research Breakthrough Reward: Gible

As usual, Niantic is rolling out a new batch of Field Research tasks and rewards starting March 1. In addition to the standard rewards, the studio is offering a new Research Breakthrough encounter next month. Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough in March, you’ll earn a chance to catch the Dragon-type Pokemon Gible.

Tornadus, Thundurus, And Landorus Raids

The Legendary Forces of Nature–Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus–are returning to five-star Raids throughout March. The Legendaries will appear in their standard Incarnate forms during the first half of the month, and you’ll have a chance to catch Shiny variants of each. After that, the Forces of Nature will return to Raids in their Therian forms, which up until now have not been available in Pokemon Go. You can see the full March Legendary Raid schedule below:

March 1-6: Incarnate Forme LandorusMarch 6-11: Incarnate Forme TornadusMarch 11-16: Incarnate Forme ThundurusMarch 16-30: Therian Forme ThundurusMarch 30-TBA: Therian Forme Tornadus

Pokemon Spotlight Hours

Every Tuesday evening in March, Niantic will spotlight a specific Pokemon and bonus for one hour, from 6-7 PM local time. You can see the full schedule of March’s Spotlight Hours below:

Date Spotlight Pokemon Special Bonus
March 2 Krabby 2x transfer Candy
March 9 Drowzee 2x evolution XP
March 16 Voltorb 2x catch Stardust
March 23 Surskit 2x catch XP
March 30 Slugma 2x catch Candy

March Community Day

March’s Community Day is set for Saturday, March 6. The featured Pokemon this month is Fletching. All throughout the event, Fletchling will appear in the wild more frequently than usual, and you’ll have your first opportunity to catch a Shiny Fletchling in the game. On top of that, all players who can evolve Fletchinder (Fletchling’s evolved form) either during the event or up to two hours afterword will get a Talonflame that knows Incinerate.

March Bonus Hours

Niantic is testing out a new type of event in March: Bonus Hours. Similar to Spotlight Hours, these events will take place from 6-7 PM local time on Thursday evenings, and they’ll each make a specific in-game bonus active for one hour. Here’s the schedule of Bonus Hour events:

March 4 – Team Go Rocket balloons will be appearing more frequentlyMarch 11 – You’ll earn more Candy when you catch a Pokemon of the same type as your active Mega-Evolved PokemonMarch 18 – More Mega Raids will be occurring

New Team Go Rocket Special Research

Niantic is rolling out another line of Special Research revolving around Team Go Rocket. Players who complete the research will earn another chance to battle Giovanni, who will have new Shadow Legendary Pokemon in his possession each month. In March, the Team Rocket leader will be using Shadow Articuno, while Shadow Zapdos and Shadow Moltres will be at his command in April and May, respectively.

Those aren’t the only activities happening in Pokemon Go next month. Niantic teases that it will have other events during the month, including a new Incense Day revolving around Psychic and Steel Pokemon, as well as a Weather Week featuring weather-themed Pokemon spawns, avatar items, and more. Additional details about these will be announced at a later date. In the meantime, you can read more about March’s biggest events on the Pokemon Go blog.

About Kevin Knezevic

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