Pokemon Go‘s November events are soon here, and we’ve broken them down into categories below. You’ll find information on the November Community Day date, the November Mega Raids and Raids schedule, as well as other events lined up for Pokemon Go in November.
November will also mark the end of The Season of Mischief, and the season will exit with a big event that will take place November 26-29.
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November’s Community Day Date And Featured Pokemon
Community Day will take place on November 21, Sunday from 11 AM to 5 PM local time. The featured Pokémon is Shinx, an electric type.
Research Breakthrough Encounters
Research Breakthrough Encounters will last the entire month of November until the beginning of December. That means you have plenty of time to catch the featured Pokemon, Vullaby, a vulture-like Dark and Flying type Pokemon.
Mega Raids
November Mega Raids will feature Mega Absol, Mega Manectric, and Mega Lopbunny. Mega Raids were a new tier of Raids added in 2020, and successful completions give Mega Energy, an ingredient needed to Mega Evolve your own Pokemon.
Raid Hours
November’s Raid Hours will take place every Wednesday of the month, from 6 PM to 7 PM local time. Trainers will encounter Darkrai, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Cresselia.
Other November in-game events include Día de Muertos that will take place from November 1-2, Festival of Lights from November 5-14, and the Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Celebration Event from November 16- 21. In 2020’s Dia De Muertos, players in Latin America got the chance to capture Pokemon that represented some element of the holiday. 2021’s Festival of Lights will be the first time the festival is celebrated in-game.