Pokemon Go Oshawott Community Day Set For September 19

Pokemon Go‘s next Community Day is set for Sunday, September 19, developer Niantic has announced. The featured Pokemon this time will be Oshawott, the Water starter from Pokemon Black and White, and there will be a few other in-game bonuses to take advantage of during the event.

Throughout the Community Day, Oshawott will appear in the wild much more frequently than usual, making this a good opportunity to stock up on Oshawott Candy. You’ll also have a chance to encounter Shiny Oshawott during the event, and Niantic will offer a paid Special Research story themed around the starter called From Scalchops to Seamitars.

Oshawott’s final form, Samurott, will also be able to learn a few new moves. If you manage to evolve a Dewott into Samurott up to two hours after the Community Day ends, it’ll know the Water-type Charged Attack Hydro Cannon. On top of that, Samurott will be able to learn the Charged Attack Razor Shell, even after September’s Community Day ends.

Finally, Niantic will offer a few in-game bonuses and a special item bundle during September’s Community Day. Any Incense or Lure Modules that you use during the event will last for three hours, and you’ll receive triple the normal amount of XP for catching Pokemon. The item bundle, meanwhile, will be on sale in Pokemon Go’s in-game shop for 1,280 PokeCoins and includes the following:

50 Ultra Balls5 Lucky Eggs5 Rainy Lure Modules1 Elite Fast TM

September’s Community Day runs from 11 AM to 5 PM local time. You can read more about the event on the official Pokemon Go blog.

In the meantime, Pokemon Go’s Ultra Unlock Part 3 event has just begun. That runs until September 1 and introduces a handful of Pokemon from Sword and Shield to the game, including Wooloo, Skwovet, Falinks, and the Legendary cover monsters Zacian and Zamazenta.

About Kevin Knezevic

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