Pokemon Go Spring Collection Challenge Guide And Rewards

As part of Pokemon Go‘s Spring Into Spring event, a new Collection Challenge is underway in the game. Like previous Collection Challenges, this one tasks you with capturing specific Pokemon within a limited time, with a special medal and other rewards up for grabs if you’re able to complete the challenge. You’ll need to work quickly if you’re hoping to complete it, however, as the challenge ends in only a few hours.

In keeping with the motif of the Spring Into Spring event, the Pokemon you need to catch for this Collection Challenge are spring-themed. You’ll have to capture 10 monsters in total to complete the Challenge. Fortunately, most of them will be appearing fairly frequently throughout the event, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble. You can see the full list of Pokemon to catch, along with where to find them in the game, below.

Pokemon Where To Catch
Exeggcute Spawns in the wild
Shadow Exeggcute Defeat Team Go Rocket grunts
Buneary Spawns in the wild
Bunnelby Spawns in the wild or one-star Raid boss
Plusle Spawns in the wild
Minun Spawns in the wild
Flower crown Pikachu Spawns in the wild
Diggersby Evolve Bunnelby
Azumarill Three-star Raid boss or evolve Marill
Flower crown Chansey Spawns in the wild or Research task encounter

The Spring Collection Challenge runs until today, April 8, giving you only a little more time to complete it. If you do manage to finish the challenge before time runs out, you’ll receive a handful of nice rewards, including one Lucky Egg, 50 Lopunny Mega Energy, and 2,500 XP, plus a medal commemorating your achievement. You can see all the Pokemon you have left to catch by tapping on the Research icon in the bottom right corner of the screen and opening the Today tab.

That’s not all that’s happening in Pokemon Go this month. Niantic has a variety of events lined up for the next few weeks, including April’s Community Day, which takes place April 11 and features Snivy. The Rivals Week event is also set to kick off on April 13, and new Field Research tasks and rewards are live this month.

About Kevin Knezevic

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