Pokemon Go Team Rocket Celebration Event Now Live, Adds New Shadow Pokemon

Pokemon Go is following its recent Johto Celebration with a Team Rocket-themed event. The Team Go Rocket Celebration is now underway, and it features new Shadow Pokemon to catch, special Team Go Rocket-themed Research tasks to complete, and other in-game bonuses.

The Team Go Rocket Celebration runs until 8 PM local time on February 7. Throughout the event, the following Pokemon will be appearing more frequently in the wild than usual:


In addition, a variety of new Pokemon will be hatching from the recently added Team Go Rocket eggs. These Pokemon will be available even after the event ends:

QwilfishLarvitarCorphishAbsolSkorupiSandileScraggyPawniardDeino GameSpot Report

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Beyond that, Team Go Rocket grunts you encounter will have new teams of Shadow Pokemon. Some new monsters will also be available in Shadow form for the first time, including Swinub, Nosepass, Aron, Spheal, Lileep, and Anorith. You’ll also receive a new Team Go Rocket gift sticker for defeating one of the team leaders during the event, and there will be new event-exclusive Field Research and Timed Research tasks to complete.

Finally, eggs that you place in Incubators during the event will hatch at half the distance they normally require, and certain Pokemon like Nidoqueen, Alolan Grimer, and Alolan Meowth will be appearing in Raids. You can read more details about the Team Go Rocket Celebration on the official Pokemon Go website.

Niantic has a lot of other February events lined up for Pokemon Go this month, including February’s Community Day, which takes place this Sunday, February 7. The Legendary Suicune is also returning to five-star Raids from February 4-9, and the game’s Lunar New Year event will run from February 9-14.

About Kevin Knezevic

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