Pokemon Go Thundurus Therian Forme Raid Guide: Best Counters, Weaknesses, Raid Hours, And More Tips

Niantic has announced the full slate of raids for Pokemon Go in April, and trainers will meet the second Therian Forme of a Unova-region legendary beginning April 5.

Thundurus Therian Forme is on its way to Pokemon Go once again, featuring as the five-star raid April 5-12. It follows Tornadus Therian Forme’s run as the top raid which ran from March 15 to March 20. Thundurus Therian Forme’s time as a five-star raid Pokemon was announced along with the Pokemon Go April 2022 event schedule, which runs concurrently with the game’s Season of Alola event introducing Pokemon Sun and Moon to the game.

Thundurus Therian Forme is the second of three Therian Forme legendaries to rotate into the five-star raid scene, with the final member of the trio Landorus Therian Forme entering the arena April 26. If you caught Tornadus and plan on taking on Landorus, you might as well challenge the Thundurus raid as well, so check out our tips below.

Thundurus Therian Forme Raid Schedule

Thundurus Therian Forme enters the five-star Raid ring starting April 5 at 10 AM local time, remaining there until 8 PM on April 12. Unfortunately the game does not follow any set schedules with its raid–there’s no guarantee Thundurus will be charging into a Gym for a battle–but the game constantly tells you who’s around to raid, so just keep an eye out.

There is one hope for those who need a Thundurus Therian Forme appearance though: Pokemon Go’s weekly Raid Hour on Wednesday nights. The Raid Hour event on April 6–running from 6 PM to 7 PM local time–will feature the Bolt Strike Pokemon at nearly every Gym in the game. If you want a guaranteed shot at Thundurus Therian Forme, gather your friends and head out after dinner on April 6.

Thundurus Therian Forme And Counters

Thundurus Therian Forme is an Electric- and Flying-type Pokemon, a combination that does not yield very many weaknesses. In fact, only two of Pokemon’s 18 types will produce extra damage to this beast, so it’s important to know what those are and plan accordingly.

Ice- and Rock-type Pokemon are the only two Pokemon types with moves that will deal extra damage to Thundurus Therian Forme. Unfortunately the only Pokemon in existence with that dual-typing, Generation VI’s Aurorus, isn’t in Pokemon Go yet, so you’ll have to get creative with your team. Alolan Ninetales is a solid choice for this raid, as it’s a powerful attacker with no weakness to Thundurus’s attacks, while Beartic, Lycanroc, Sudowoodo, and two of the three Regis in Regirock and Regice will also make great choices.

Types To Avoid

Thundurus has triple the amount of resistances that it has weaknesses, meaning one-third of all Pokemon types will do reduced damage in the heat of battle. Bug-, Fighting-, Flying-, Grass-, Ground-, and Steel-type Pokemon are all weak against Thundurus’s Electric- and Flying-type barrage, so do not bring any Pokemon or use any attacks of those types and you should be home free.

There’s still some time before Thundurus Therian Forme joins the five-star raid roster, so get yourself ready by taking on the current five-star raid Tapu Lele or the Mega Charizard Y Mega Raid if you haven’t done so already.

About Jason Fanelli

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