Pokemon Go Tour Kanto Event: How To Pick Your Event Version

Pokemon Go is celebrating the series’ 25th anniversary today with the Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto, a one-day event revolving around the original 150 Pokemon. As with the original games, the event is available in two flavors, a Red Version and a Green Version, and developer Niantic has now explained how you’ll be able to choose your event version when the festivities begin next week.

How To Choose Your Event Version

The Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto event takes place today, February 20. Before you can participate, however, you’ll need to choose which “version” of the event you want to experience. Once the event is underway, open your item bag and select your Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto virtual ticket. After that, you’ll see a prompt asking you to Choose Red or Choose Green. Simply tap on the event version you’d like to experience to make your choice. Bear in mind that your choice is final, so think carefully before making your selection.

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Version Differences

As was the case with the original Pokemon Red and Pokemon Green games, the primary difference between the event versions boils down to Pokemon selection. Some monsters will be more likely to appear depending on which version of the event you choose. You can see the full list of event-exclusive Pokemon below:

Red Version

Attracted to Incense:


Possible Shiny encounters:

BulbasaurCharmanderSquirtlePidgeyEkansPikachuNidoran (F)OddishDiglettMankeyGrowlithePonytaShellderDrowzeeKrabbyHitmonleeLickitungScytherElectabuzzEeveeKabutoDratini

Green Version

Attracted to Incense:


Possible Shiny encounters:

BulbasaurCharmanderSquirtlePidgeyPikachuSandshrewNidoran (M)VulpixMeowthPsyduckBellsproutGeodudeExeggcuteHitmonchanKoffingTangelaHorseaMagmarPinsirEeveeOmanyteDratini

The Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto event begins at 9 AM local time and runs for 12 hours, concluding at 9 PM local time. You can see the full Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto event schedule here. For more details about the event, be sure to check out the official Pokemon Go blog.

Following the Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto, Niantic is keeping the festivities rolling with a Kanto Celebration event. That will run from February 21-27 and gives players more chances to catch Gen 1 Pokemon and complete the Kanto Tour Collection Challenges. Niantic is capping the celebration off with a Kanto Raid Day event on February 28, which will feature the Legendary Gen 1 birds Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.

About Kevin Knezevic

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