Pokemon Go Tour Poke Ball Prep Rally Announced For February 18

Niantic wants to give Pokemon trainers plenty of time to prepare for the Pokemon Go Tour: Johto, so the company has announced a week-long event to do just that.

The Pokemon Go Tour Poke Ball Prep Rally will begin Friday, February 18 at 10 AM local time, and run until February 25 at 8 AM local time. The event is designed to let players earn plenty of Poke Balls while looking forward to the Johto-themed event on February 26.

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Poke Balls, Great Balls, and Ultra Balls will serve as the main prize for completing Timed Research tasks during the event, while Buddy Pokemon will also bring Poke Balls back to the player as gifts. Several ball-shaped Pokemon will become more available–including the debuting Hisuian Electrode–while new Ball Guy-themed avatar items will be added to the in-game shop.

The full list of events for the Pokemon Go Tour Poke Ball Prep Rally is below:

Timed research tasks will give Poke Balls, Great Balls, or Ultra Balls as prizes.Hisuian Electrode will make its Pokemon Go debut. Players can evolve Hisuian Voltorb into Hisuian Electrode using 50 Voltorb Candy.Foongus, Voltorb, and Hisuian Voltorb will appear more frequently in the wild. Lucky trainers will also be able to spot Amoongus, Electrode, and Galarian Stunfisk.A new avatar outfit themed around Ball Guy will be added for purchase.

The Pokemon Go Tour Poke Ball Prep Rally will lead directly into the Pokemon Go Tour: Johto event taking place February 26 and 27. Niantic has confirmed that Apex Shadow Lugia and Ho-Oh will be added to the game during the Johto event, each one having a special move that can be enhanced by purifying the Pokemon after it’s captured.

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About Jason Fanelli

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